
The spa by mitchell in raleigh nc

Across Australia one Bicycle - one HUGE D?rt page in the train of Renens, arriv??en?, check-in until?angkok. Peanuts and a drink non-alcoolis? orange vodka tomatos/vodka, white wine with fish, one could not. Film the Jaguar with the type of the Great Blue, Jurasssik., apr?un IcedCoffee and an ice for. a park, it makes hot and wet, the which been able city, considering a temple + another, there is tjrs people?ouk-touk and who offers water to us and. Erik is not smelled well, it wants to stack. Pineapple served with small dish of salt. In any box, I felt has bit better afterwards, goal not good enough. Sight the street Kao Sarn, nothing achet?pas made charts. Denouveau, price a touk-touk which has us amen? the station, 10. Would cuts only been 40 bahts, yew we went and saw the Buddhas and the Thai centers with the driver, goal I had absolutely No interest in that. He drove like has crazy, goal it was. The train to the airport was only 5 bahts each. It was interesting for me since I had never seen. Far more interesting than statues of Buddha. Note: there are No beggars in Bangkok. Slept everywhere, floor, on si?s, mang?es pizza pies Hut. Vodka-tomatos, red wine, chicken, 2 films regard?ans it. Not r?si to?ormir, malgr?a tiredness, flight without fum? Too much sun, not enough rest. The planes taxiing was enough to make me photograph of that, just for the sake of completeness. AGAIN believe Christiane when she says that Coca Cola (code-name for malted battery acid) edge cleans year upset stomach. hilarious to see me puking my guts out. Guy did ask has bunch of questions, probably because I' m not. Taken a taxi for $13, partag?vec. Arriv?au backpakers and slept all the journ?, left to walk on Williams street and Mall. has the same feeling have downtown Vancouver and Kitsalano in summer. Mang?hinois for $17, not too of. Good shower, small d?uner of c?ales and yoghurt. Tourist bureau, black and white?nard, milk shakes, v?s, shorts. Bi? on a terrace, Brass Monkey, with dr?s of firtes and a sweat Chile sauce. This hostel (the Shiralee Backbackers) is butt 3/4 Brits and 1/4. says there are has couple of Swiss from Geneva (1 guy), goal couples has yellow brig walls that Dad might like. people (Sabina, and has Brit couples) goal otherwise I keep to myself. Is it due to being married gold being older by has few. To turn over?remantle to go?ottnest Island, louper boat, then buffet on the terrace of the d?rt boat. Erik makes its t?phones and the detergent d?nt, one has mang?ans a pub of the nacchos and C?r Salade with. Lost Pin' S offered by Carole in the rocks. Started solar enquiries yesterday At Energy Museum in Freemantle. take pictures of 45Kw + 110Kw steam engies (for compressing gas) and has green 1960 Lister diesel generator set. General conclusions steam engines HEAVY. Called addresses today and result seems that there is No. Went to library and found has 1984 carryforward by thermal W Commission mixing further research since it was to complicated. Might see them downtown and visit. Perth has has Nice library with free Internet terminals, goal No access to telnet gold email. (Writing this entry while one the way to the Wave Rock'n'roll. Went sand-sledding, I was done badly with the bottom Rice, pasta and potato salad, buffet meat. No competition = good place for has hotdog stand. ~15 kangaroos and has bobtailed skink (lizard). Mechanical engineer doing 4 months in Sydney setting up. He mentioned pool hall one James Street have has place to. Bus trip has bit boring so far. roll and since my stomach is d?ng?moi meat with a sauce bolognaise and for Erik of the Lamb given the cost of toilets in the outback, is toilets almost have valuable have. Yew so, steam systems must Be loss-less. 1984 thermal carryforward mentioned that lay might still possible Be worthy uses for salt-sand: ready-mix bases for solar-fused brigs. in wheat-growing area, toilets is caugth with holes in the ground yew you run out of toilets, it costs $200 for replacement have 4000 gallon tanker to. around Perth everyone is one the grid. edge easily order in diesel shares, goal not much call.89/litre in the outback and only $. electricity connections costed $15,0000 each At the beginning, now only $8,000 for 3-4km from the road. radio-telephon hookup is $30/month, $3 for 4 hours after 7pm. Took the bicycles and grinds around the. Good riding with No bus drank plenty of wind. They are exactly like 1/2 meter rats with kangaroo-like legacy and faces. They hop very slowly around unless has wierd noise makes them run. We were having has picnic buffet outside the general blind and five cam to beg. Since they were putting to their paws one our knees, we ate sitting one signal of the picnic table. Checked out the nude beach At Parakeet Bay. (including custom) and none nude (except custom). Started the bicycle trip for real. has difficulty getting it through doors. Rained like crazy so we stopped 15 min. Internet to see that my site was in order. downtown Perth and bought 5 maps of W later that they don' T show Nice small roads for bikes. Energy Department to see Joe Wyder. enthusiastic Guy butt solar (in particular solar cooking). Mentioned big solar conference in Sidney one. Gave me addresses and Web sites. Bicycled to Fremantle along the Swan To rivet mostly. minis-mall where electricity had failed. of yacht race and windserfing championships, so we went has bit out of town and camped for the first time. tent wiht fan-in towards the wind. Wind torus up pegs butt 3 times. I had difficulty sleeping goal not CH Good grass campsite, goal it needs some. Coast highway has has good margin goal too many bus. North Rockingham has ugl chemical complex that cut the beach. After has rest in park, grinds slowly to "downtown"and ate nachos and salad At Walk restoring until 18h00 and then went to Rocking ham Hotel/Backpackers. old hotel being restored by one Guy have has backpackers. Stayed in and read energy newsletters and CH Paid $17 each to visit Seal and Penguin islands. bad that glass-bottom of the boat didn' T show much more that sea-weed. Walked around the island (it is small). Saw terns and batches of dead. Sat one the beach and watched the Indian Ocean. Saw feeding of 6 captive LITTLE penguins. Could easily walk back to the mainland one the sand bar, goal. Ate has "penguin burger"and steak sandwich At the. Grind has new bike trail along the coast through new howsing development. Just like 1955-1970 California housing developments (reminded me of "Bachelor in Paradise" with Bob Hope) except more. Grind by nude beach marked with has "Free beach"sign, goal while I was looking At the map in face of has bar/hotel. Had to stay At the hotel ($70/night double, goal Nice and great view of the toilets). Borrowed has wrench and changed the inner. Tiny hole and I would expect only has slow fox trot leak. it caused by the spiked seed balls that CH pulled off her face draws. Just like that other Guy who wrote has web site. Souvalaki (pork) and Yiros (Lamb). Bacon and eggs in Mandurah, developped filem. to skirt yellow, therefore the last film was fucked. adjustable wrench ($20) and has patch kit. Road another 6km to has LP stop to cuts ham and tomato sandwich. Shares of the highway dual are and some shares cuts No margin which is. One asshole I' ve started counting bus who pass custom within shouting distance (2 lanes) who DON' T shout. There was has section where every 20m there was has kangaroo (and At least. Thinking butt mounting has kangaroo skull one my handlebars with year air-horn underneath to blast the assholes. there enough assholes here to fill the Albert Hall. around 17h30, bought cream cheese, jam, meat, long fruit, juice, etc the beach and cold toilets. Able Cold supper under the stars with mosquitos of biting through nylon wind-breakers. were only there from 19h00 to 20h30 and then they were suddenly gone. Temperature OK during the night for ounce and meat bag (and coat in the morning) to sleep. off-and one until 11h00, so I told the to manage of the camp site that we would stay for one more day and it was fine by him. weather would Be crappy for today. clear with 30% puffy white clouds. We had steak burgers (not bad) At the general blind, visited the beach has few minutes, and got packed. Didn' T cuts to pay for more than one day. (including yesterday) and #168 was year asshole. incoherant At custom have we were one has stretch of dual-carriageway with No I was glad to get one to has long scenic road into Bunbury. Saw some tame kangaroos one someone' S lawn. Stopped for coffee and to look for air horn and urgent hole-filler, goal found niether. shopping for chicken steaks and cider. Cheese, crackers and jam for breakfast. ($50) and hole-filler product for bicycles drank was told that they cost butt $40, so forget it. bus who passed custom one the highway and #198 beeped At custom (I assumes year.) One in 200 seems to Be the fraction of asshols. Perth, we cuts seen batches of exploded cars one gold beside the road and batches of roadkill, mostly kangaroos, rabbits, and birds. Total Passed 400km and took has photo after butt 30km, goal has bicycle turn map says that has typical one day. WE CUTS SEEN NO OTHER BICYCLE TOURISTS. Apparently the ozzy road system is completely supported by taxes one fuel, so maybe the drivers are pissed-off that we are getting A. I still think that they are assholes. drivers one the backroads wave to custom, usually because I wave first. were tired when we arrived in Busselton and it looked like rain tonight gold tommorrow morning, so we chickend-out and decided to look. The strip of motels one the highway looked too noisy so. for has $80(- $70) villa, goal we were too fast in accepting the room. Supper of pizza pie (takeout) and cider. Cream cheese, crackers, jam, yoghurt, and peaches for breakfast. Visited longest wooden pier in OZ (2km) goal didn' T. Costed money and we had cycling to C puncture-proofing product for bicycle cars yesterday and spent butt 1 hour getting it into the cars At has gas station valve core remover had has knurl, goal the cores were too tight to twist. Unfortunately, the station didn' T cuts (misplaced) In the end, we used the chain-removing vice one the jack-knife to nold the core remover. Luckily all each core needed was. Then had to squirt the green goop. It seems to cuts kevvlar fibres in it that form balls that clog up the valve (have well have punctures). the ground when I squeezed hardware to force the fluid. toothpick one the knife anda popsicle stick that I found one the ground. I was has bit afraid of damaging the valve, goal things seem to hold thus. Had buffet and coffee after repairs and left butt 13h00. Backroad is fairly green cattle country with big trees first, then becomes dry like California, then gets hilly and quite green (butt 30km) like the Swiss before-plate will wave back to you and has few even wave first. photgraphed has bobtailed skink (goal A diffeent color than the blue-tonge) just before the 4km of highway before Margret River. bit is stressful and we are beginning to feel our thighs from the ups. Fine We decided to camp because the wather seemed and we. up camp and walded to town to eat and stock up for breakfast more crackers and cream cheese, has bottle of M.) and ate At has BYO (Bring Your Own booze) across the street. Extremely good nachos with has mango salsa (better than Airly Beach. calimar (cood have Greece) and has green salad with has flower one signal could the flower in her hair. I was somewhat pissed and I made the mistake of trying to clean year oil spt one my new safari pants with has red paper napkin and Result toilets: I now cuts to tell people that that pink spot is where the crocodile bit me the night and our tent fan-in flap collapsed under butt 2 liters of collected toilets and soaked my face throung the door. 1997-11-28 Visiting Prevelly (the beach) by drunk. Crackers, cheese, jam, yoghurt, melon, juice for breakfast washing red spot one pants with spot removver and hand soap, goal only. Road to town for coffee, visited tourist center and found out that the shorts-cut south is now paved. spray, washed bicycles with toilets (low presses works) and protected. Took drunk to beach ($3 each, return). Swam twice and sun-athed. Took drunk back (apssed has vineyard) to town and retrieved photographs, went for coffee and shopped for breakfast. The sand really stick to one' S skin. 1997-11-29 Margret To rivet - Karri Valley Resort, 130 km, 21km/h (most we. all drivers wave, (taking backroads, of race). vineyards, mostly flat, No grapes yet. First stretch of gravel road butt 4. bad, goal has bit bumpy sometimes, had to rain erosion. Stopped for buffet of crackers At Alexandra Bridge. In fact, there was has small general blind where we bought some chocolate and granola bars and some orange jice and then NOTHING for the next 90km. Flat for has long while one the Cockburn highway (good name) and then hills for the next 40km one Stewart Rd until the resort. 500km, 600km, and our old long distance record, goal we were damn. Stopped for has station-wagon At the Donnelly vineyards, goal the wine. freshly squashed kangaroos that smell like shit.) one the road and some lizards like skinks, long goal with tails. We are hearing animal year that sounds like has monkey in the karri forests, goal we haven' T seen it yet. and three At our campsite after 20h00. They like to eat grass under. Expensive This resort is, goal they claimed that. Camp site was mostly deserted and we set up. Watched the stars untill 20h30 and walked to dinner At the resort' S clip joint. $57 for kangaroo satay and leek soup entr? and pumpkin gnocchi and has half-bottle of Hardy' S. followed by two hot chocolates (with very little. green parrots, goal haven' T taken has photo yet. the afternoon and slept and read under the trees one the grass. Plenty of up and down, goal not have bad. Perhaps not doing butt 70km before the hills made it. Chcked in At Pemberton (forestry town has) backpckers. room with has bunkbed, goal OK otherwise. Went shopping and stopped for. Puts has Guy At the bar who is constructing rammed-earth houses and raising trees. Tried explaining the libertarian view. government=capitalism and socialism=good. in high rainfall areas is relatively valuable. government' S desire to increase greenhouse emissions, goal still accepts subsidize for using diesel fuel tortellini for supper and chatted with has Dutch woman (touring by drunk), has German (butt 40 years old) touring by bicycle, and has Brit touring. Brit was Nice and was going to lend has me hex key to tighten the luggage carriers (which cuts come loose), goal He didn' T. Rival Explained the psychology of motorcycle clubs and was quick to admitted that it was sometimes rather stupid. Got up fairly early to go visit the Glochester (sp. has tree 61m tall with has fire lookout platform (2 training courses) one signal climb it using metal bars that are driven into the tree in A slow fox trot. I counted butt 147 steps to the very signal. (Sheppard' S black and white, sausage role, and spinach and black and white ricotta, cider and. Grazing Land, jarrah trees, and hilly. free toilets, and wa Wood-heated shower (which we didn' T uses), goal No $8 for the site that you could in year envelope years. Supper of crisp bread cheese and salami. couples of enormous black birds with yellow eyes hopped up one the table. We gave them nothing and after butt 5 they minutes went back to looking for bugs. The had exactly the same behavior. and went for has walk to the lodge to search for booze, goal it was just has refuge that you could rent. Saw butt 4 kangaroos in the field and year enormous one (before supper) eating the leaves off of has tree. Chatted has bit with the couple next to our site.) who went to the CESSEV has year after CH They were flying around OZ and using rented bus, goal we guessed that. Talked mostly in French and I didn' T cuts to repeat. Night was very cold and I didn' T sleep has wink, even though I used the towel to cover myself and we slept in spoon. Glad to get up and get going. Got up early and got going. Swiss couples left before custom, goal they pulled up in their bus to say good-bye. lost the corner-toss and had to curry the black back-pack. and saw smoke, goal didn' T see fire billboards with has kind of dial one it indicating the degree of. The last 20km before Walpole are murder. is cold and wet and the slopes long are and steep. has pub At the outskirts of "town" and I got pretty tips from just one. Had fish and chips and has steakburger for buffet and finally checked in to our backpackers' around 16h00. and I read my book (XXieme century, by max Gallo). until 20h30 and when we went out for supper, everything was closed. Finally we went back to the same bar have before and had chicken with mushroom gravy (Re-heated) in their dining room. OK in the twin beds, goal I woke up around 6h00 from the noise of rain one the roof and ran for the clothes that were drying outside. Gray and raining has bit today. Shopped for breakfast and supper. Bought some powdered milk to try out. Read newspaper and did newspaper. Did the last three days. Nice bright decore, goal not really good. Went for has walk to Coalmine Beach. pretty bad because I bought has 400ml container of peanut saty sauce thinking that it was marinated meat. Three Americans puts. Michael, Alison and. had liberal arts educations and J Did my usual libertarian tirade and didn' T convince anyone, Mr. being most concerned butt the "disadvantaged". that yew He ever has some influence in Africa, that He try to convince people to could has "none of the above". and I played chibre to see who carries the. Left the backpackers' around 10h15, same time have A. Land and easy hills, goal CH went to the Valley of the Giants and passed custom again while we had buffet At has gas station/general blind outskirts of Denmark around 3pm Had has beer in the Nice new Denmark Tavern and chatted with the waitress butt Niel Young remembered American couples (girl with glasses, Guy slightly bald) passing through one hour before for buffet and found that Americans had been there too. changin parameters in Netscape Gold and was done in butt 15 minutes. Letter from Dad informing me of post-office strike, goal nothing else. Went to holiday park recommended by the tourist office, 4km out of. has bit cranky butt hills now. Place is cabins of two standard: Nice, new brig ones At $70 pre night, and badly built old metal and Wood ones for $10. (The asshole originally wanted $15 per person. Obviousness that they haven' T been used. Probably will straighten out the tourist office. To manage seemed leaves of surprised to see has couple of backpackers. Deumped stuff in room and grinds along Inlet Drive back to town to eat. Not bad with has bottle of red wine. started back and almost No light. Last bit was has 200m walk through forest and damn near impossible to see. wandering into has spider nest gold fucking the bikes. and played chibre to see who carries pack. Double Slept one the bed using our camp mattresses and inflatable pillos because the bed looked crad. Left butt 10h00, went to the tourist office to complain butt the "backpackers'" and it turned out that the Guy (volonteer has) shouldn' local T library, goal didn' T email it because place was closed for buffet. Rained off and one for next hour. must cuts thought we were crazy. middle of afternoon started listening radio to (classical and signal 40). Announcers were not powerful enough. bad in some places, goal music helped me pedal. station for has drink and chatted with the Dutch owner (Albert) for A. Imigrated 15 years ago with No problem, goal knows that things. Arrived in Albany butt 17h30 At Albany Backpackers'. Cool place, Nice murals, friendly managers. Got pizza pie, video watched (Broken Arrow) and signed up. Had free chocolate cake and coffee while. butt the meaning of life, etc. Went shopping for earphone protectors (found them), small radio for. (not found) and emergency blankets (found). military juniors while having coffee one York Street. Pasta and free beer for buffet. Went one 4WD turn around Albany area with 3 roomates (Brits), Nigel.") Nice views, went to beach for has good. Saw "natural bridge" after "sustained pressure" Baz to take custom there. British girls saw has horse with year enormous erection and damn-near died. One of the girls claimed that she was going to see. Thinking butt going by boat to Bremer Bay with the bikes. The roads since Walpole are white and blacker kangaroos, but too far for photographs. Phoned and found that we couldn' T hitch has wrinkle one has boat from Albany. Found that his bike had has flat rear car and my bike., making good time and was overtaken by Baz with has bus-load. I wonder yew He told them any stories. bridge crossing has has to rivet with road trains roaring past custom. Photographed has newly-dead kangaraoo for the website. primary school yard of Many Peaks since the service station was closed. Chatted with has (kind of crad) farmer that we puts one the. should get more into solar and Young people should get more involved in room politics. pedaling into the wind around 15h00. Arrived in Wellstead has tiny bit before 18h00. because the general blind had has sign one the highway saying that it. Glad we got there in time because people were very sympathetic and offered custom the uses of the toilet and showers. We ended up pitching our tent under the shelter facing the short tennis. Tested out our new emergency blankets and found that they work superbly except for the creinkling noise that they make when one moves. in to ensure No leaks of warm air, gold the effect is very much reduced. Was has bit cold around 4h00, goal it could Be just my usual sleeping. Boring and flat wrinkle today. Wind in our faces just agravated the. Erik believed to have seen a rinoc?s, me, I saw a giraffe. I unquestionable amndt that the bicycle computer was not properly adjusted and that the bicycle draws diameter was inputted 10% larger than it really. When I fix it, all of our dated will disappear, so we must. Hotel and had supper (Lamb roads) in their restaurant. We should try that trick in Rossens (near. Lady manager was Nice and gave divine custom phon number of. Phoned and made divine year appointment for 10h30 the next day At his shop. Breakfast in our room, kind of expensive for what it was, goal OK. Checked out and went to meeting with Craig. long refresher race and we took the has long ($95) because. calculated that it would Be cheaper than doing year equivalent. fairly Nice cabin, $40 per night. Girl manager remembered how her mother told He 2 years ago butt another Bremer coming and staying. Went shopping for 4 days of food and made sandwiches for buffet. Walked to beach and sand dunes via the estuary. naked and sun bathing in the dunes lemon (with orange juice) and box of wine. 1997-12-10 Bremer Bay, first day of diving divine Woke up early to read manual and make pancakes. divine shop and was has Study Bureau disappointed to learn that we were not going to save the price of renting the suits. Difficulty fitting into suits (have usual). has changed has batch in the last few years. First exercises (regulator retrieval and mask clearing) went OK. sea dragons, big to group, lost of colorful fish, better than Barrier. Saw 1m sting-ray for the second time. says it and its 2m mother are regulars. Exercises of mask eplacement and octopus sharing OK, too. of Craig for Internet site and promised to email address to his kids. Will Be diving earlier tomorrow, different hiring. Had BBQ with toilets drillers (birds). Bremer Bay was named in 1848 by the General Surveyor, John Septimus Roe, in honour of Sir James Gordon Bremeer, captain of the Tamar. Sky cloudy in the morning, Craig cam by to say that eastern swell was too big to go diving At Strean Beach (. well because my shoulders were sore. Stayed for has tea and purchase. Went back to sleep until 11h00, then. Made package to send home including shirts and. Cam back, had pumpkin soup, relaxed, watched the Simpsons, lemon spaghetti for supper, dodo. Work with measure with compasses and showed custom purpose of. Plenty of colorful sponges and still has batch of raw. to anchour oneself when raw is against you and drift transistor when it is. with her ear and we had to go up after "only" 45 shark minutes, blow-fish, and has big grey fish. local butt economics and politics and said good-bye. email address of his sone, Beau Lebens (Deception@trustme. Told him that I would email him address of.) Went shopping for food for bike trip. Reset computer: Original been worth: AVS:19. Pancakes for breakfast were fucked., goal after buffet, it was At our. Amazing how it reduces the effort of pedaling. Long wrinkles, mostly flat except for occasional ridges (from old rivers. says that computer agrees almost exactly with 5km bournes one the highway and asked in gas station and pub butt drunk tubes think is one Monday and one buys tickets At the Shire office. Got has twin in motel for only $15, goal bar-girl not sour yew that is right price. Ate not breakfast in motel and hit the road. Went simming At the community pool in the afternoon while wating for. They cuts has stupid system where only residents edge buy keys, goal we were let in anyway for $2 each. Total bus cost was $52 including $8 each for the bikes. over-crowded due to Xmas rush and I sat one the step for year hour and chatted occassionally with the driver. Prospect from drunk: not much different than bicycle: it just goes by faster. Settled into 6 person dorm of Esperance Backpackers'. our roommates was has French girl named Maggie. OZ after breaking up with her OZ boyfriend in Darwin. Kitchen small so we went to Chinese restaurant and had has big feed and took rest home in doggie bags. Did shopping for next few days and discovered No places for bicycles one. So phon and booked for the train ~$770 not including drunk to Kalgoorlie. So we could ads At the YHA + backpackers to cuts has top spin to. Had buffet At the mall, pasta + chicken - fried something +. Supper, ap? cider + left over chinese food + 7,5. The morning, one made shopping and email, Katrin, Kathy, Dimitri and. Grind bicycles to beach in afternoon, stopping At Salmon Bay, windmill research station (8 mills) to take photographs supper of smash patatoes, corn and meat + 4 liters of red. 1997-12-18 Turn to Ten Mile Lagoon beach, 37 km, 18 km/h. badly, the octopus and the shark said to me hello. Considering Pink Lake which is gray. And our top spin, Dirk is arriv?Film James Bond 007, Golden eye. Writing postcards, station and Park. Lucky Bay, feet in water p?s, soup + 4 liters of red wine. Install?es v?s with 4 buggies and a strap. km of straight line, boils longest. Southern Cross-country race, slept under tent. I led, one saw one? and of the kangoroos, the sea with house o?Le day of front, one saw eagles s?voler. To pass the fronti?, considering the few km without tree in a cabin, supper in resto-route. Re-examined?s, 5x the m? village with railroad and cilos. Considering much of Pink Lakes between Augusta Port and the room of ball, supper downtown of fish and stuffed chicken. Post office, 3 letters, (Mimi, Brigitte, Mami, email. Not trouv?einture for Erik, malgr?es million. 1997-12-24 Glenelg, Supper At Mexican Restaurant with Dirk + Jill 1 hour one the beach in face of the backpackers'. Moved from ballroom to has double with its own balcony (batches of bird shit, and facing the back, goal our own. Back to the beach, swam finally. sand and bits of seaweed, kind of green like in Vancouver. I like grass beaches better than. The swiss-german girls for Experance. were doing gives has party all together, goal we didn' T push too hardware to get. Coil in the afternoon, followed by shopping for the next few. Saw Jill alone one the grass and invited her to join custom for. Dirk could finally try nachos.5l of sangria more nachos (only to fair), potato skins, cheese/salsa. Jill sead that she didn' T taste alcohol. Stayed in room and read until supper At 14h00. Xmas dinner showed signs of being. too many peple, too few flesh. Meat was good goal heated only to room temperature. Had leftovers with canned tomato soup for supper At 21h00. Contr? opening of the stores, stations. Walk in the botanical garden, swans and along. Re-examined the large horse with Solange vineyards, but go? with the white wine Peter Lehmann. Arr?dans a Shop Computer, but Server email?it d?ng?juste to see a beach of. Picked up mall At Postmaster address, put-filed under "Christiane and. Felt like fainting At the signal. Stop?delaide for squids and salads bag for second time because the additional hills were depressing CH Hills becoming smaller and gentler, goal more dry. Had has swim At Murray Bridge swimming pool, hiding booze in nearly got run over following me in town. of "spuds" because nothing open else. Talked to has 16-year old abo who had just bought whiskey for New Years and was going to bash rascists. then p?l?usqu'?annum, jpris the ferry and d?r of nacchos 4 sauces, rollers of spring and trout?a mango-banana. Shower under the princkers d?champ. Ap? usual and Dave offered his garden to us for. Purchase D? champagne bottle to the case o?n does not find any. They have 2 wire, Darren and Dick + Tom the dog. Discut?install?graft and they offered a quiche tomatos and eggs to us and then, the X-farmhouse pudding with Cr?. nautical on the rivi?, except will?ildura and Boundary Bend. Taken the Ferry pooour to cross the rivi?, beautiful mont?ensuite flat all length with look-outs on the rivi? o?l has there. D?r of hot-dogs, jet?ourde. Detergent and cleaning of the v?s, 2e d?r with. Return?a rivi?, considering large boats Murray Prioncess, much. Free supper with the camp-site with Mary, Bryan. Lev? 5h45, d?rt?h15, good expenses, well p?l?arriv? 13h, wind. It does not have r?i with the stone lanc?ur. trouv?, sexy slipway for Erik, Nicorette for me and food with. Considering the rivi?, but bathe in the swimming pool travers?a rivi? ?erni by a bridge. My tire arri? is?lat. Et?hez an old Mister who has r?r?e v? of Erik. edge of water, one saw house-boat. D?rt?h15, but tire arri? ?lat. Bathe in the lake (m? water that Murray. Much wind during the night, d?ngeant. R?il T? but too fatigu?our lever=d?rt?h. Arr??erbein South for magpies and. Buffet with injuries which made a pause and which free email as a Victoria, 2 of Carole, 1 Tania, 1 p?lant Dimitri, fortunately the cider bottle S? not. Arriv?u camp-site NSW, the v? is tomb?ur the commissions. for immense a capuccino in the terminal of the bus?h30, not too much wind, with the arr? in any case of orange groves, covered time and then brousaille yellow and qques. Snakck stop?n carpark with toilets s?es, standard lamps. This end of road is in NSW, retravers?a. It does not have more, ragnagna, still clope=4. One saw a p?er killing a fish?oups of stick in. D?uner in the village of toasts to the grapes and one. D?rt towards 12h30 apr?un purchase of a bungy. Did shower when the current return to change, our usual steak sandwiches and a walk at the edge of the rivi? who makes a beautiful turn. Is Haysdale a city fant? thus not of caf??iangil for an ice and chocolate (caf?roid). r?ndu with the emails of Olivier and Karin, Rossen, envoy? Kathy?Retour?ied downtown, achet?ouper of l?mes and fruits and directing mangos and beef?c?elon of Erik donn? with the cook. the last James Jump "Tomorrow never dies". Supper of pastas, OK and soir??crire charts. The weather is always gray, but the rain?Caf?u McDonald and Erik has saign?u nose of the lake Boga and then in Lake Charm with ice, but without having. Radar on the road, the cop told us fiare of the 21. and 5-10 km before Kerang, the tire arri? S? d?nfl?sur the road and?erang one had a ap? of cider with d?r of. Too many carpes=ils kills them and leave them at the edge of water, too much arr?s for Aussies. And on the way, the wind opposite, it has diminu?par derri?, by front and without wind the last 20 km. Arriv? Gunbower, ap? of cider and Bi? with purchase of a adress?a word?rik and I benefit from it to steal one to him. They advise us Hume HWY to cross Snowy. Bathes in Taylor Creek (not on the chart) o?l y A. (transport?depuis Esp?nce) with crackers, cheese, l?mes. mang?es pankakes with of Mapple syrup and Blackberries with. Immense camp-site, install?graft and bathe in their with nacchos with sour cream, salsa and avocado dip (BOF) on a bench. Regard?our a saddle of v? $22, not are farmers and I have vol?ne cigarette. of pancakes with apples and citron/sucre, caf?le mien loses, that of Erik is OK. Not too much wind against us with. The two villages did not have a road-house, therefore direct?Went into town to get my spoke fixed. chatted witht He Guy for butt 1 hour more. house (second-hand stuff) and reclined bickes. face-whell drive to reduce friction losses. expec more spokes to go and suggested that I respoke completely yew. Read books in the tent, pasta in town for buffet, pool. Supposed to Be 40 today, goal more like 35.C. probably would cuts gone yew we knew it would Be this temp possum cam sniffing for food At our tent. Hear rumors of has snake that got into has bus engine that. Got up early to avoid sun and had the wind At our backs the whole day. I broke another spoke when we arrived At ibises, photographed green and yellow fields. Nurmurkah and cappuchino and ice cream in Katamutile where we chatted. Yarrawonga T noon, had cheap buffet in bar cuts Internet that day, so went to I Katrin and partly fixed website (bad links to picture files). for swim clothes and bought sarrong and pet and insect cock. Exchanged our books and I got "We the Living room" by Ayn Rand swimming for butt 1 hour and forgot shorts. to wald through huge campground with its own cricket/football oval 8next to Murray to rivet to weir). And by misfortune the wind is against us a long time the lake with its dry trees in the o?n medium had a drink coffee with banana and cutter and one. Considering often Murray To rivet, arriv? Howlong, ap? and d?r. Et?e to bathe in Murray, not badly, one goes an end. One is baign?vec our sandals. D?rt towards 15h30 apr?une ice in a h?tal o?n took a shower under the sprinklers. Arriv? Albury and arr?au McDonald for a coke and one. Trouv?n backpackers, BOF, for the kitchen and the room without fen?e and air conditionn?ou ventilator?uffant. a salad cajun and Lamb ribs with champagne. And? the bookshop for r?rver e-mail? in a store of v?s to change all the rays of Erik. Trouv?ne wraps out of sexy jean for me, but still not. Still cooler than?owlong, one is laiss?mport?ar it. Unfortunately, somebody has us vol?e linen achet? Perth towards 17h30, fortunately, they did not take anything. Mexican lawyer supper and shrimps (BOF) and Erik some. Long?e lake Hume with its dry stopping and its trees. Considering Echichna and a monitor (or guana) which ate one. Stop by chance in a B&B, have a Bi?, it makes tr?chauc and one made the nap on a couch with superb sight on. Bathe?oil in the rivi?, tr?boueuse, apr?avoir. salad with bread makes house, like ice house. Considering much of wonbats died at the edge of the road. Arriv? Jingellic, 1 restaurant, 1?cery and it is towards 20h?oil always in the rivi?. R?il with a bathe in Murray, stop?alwa for an ice. One goes along tjrs Murray River with bathe in a "lagoon" o?l was necessary to descend a field, one has laiss?es v?s in-high, it is our derni? bathe in Murray. advises a road with 2 small mount?, r?ltat=5 mount? from 100. ?hancoban, Bi?, tourist bureau, shopping and backpackers with TV and refrigerator with wash-hand basin in the room for $30. built for construction "Murray To rivet it Injuries". to see the stopping, then rather old swimming pool in design. of steaksandwiches and d?rt in the bus with David for Thredbo in minibus with v?s attach??' arri?. ?it full, mont?ves v?s in the village. R?il by shit-vites, the water Murray River. bolt of its carries-baggage which had cass?l jopur of before ski-top spin and then?ied until the look-out and considering the MT Kosciusko, it. Return to the ski-top spin (the way is "goudronn?. Too much weak to descend?ied like in an original manner. Road which goes down with small bumps m?antes mount? of 200m, failed pass?ans apples, much. Shopping and achet?modium for shit-quickly, para?que it is an influenza which runs. Supper of sphagettis in the h?l with beautiful kitchen. A little less shits-quickly, farmhouse not convincing, cramp. 3 pretty mount? not too stiff with descents. Arriv?ers 11h in a motel o?a room is. Nap, Signal Models, Simpons', finished my magazine of. Soup supper and sandwiches chicken/lawyer. Erik intended the neighbors to make things not catholic. Gray time, party towards 9h, beautiful mount?. Erik has chi?ite with sight. Pretty landscapes with yellow fields and stones, rocks with the colors and pretty patio, shopping, Presley Elvis, supper of one. Exiter is not necessary, it makes covered in part dopes for our shits-quickly and? ?' tourist bureau for a bus for Canberra, does not want the v?s, then p?le, p?le. Bredbo o?rik?e quasi flat tire, d?r of steack sandwiches and. Then arr??' h?l, nap for me and reading for. All motor bikes arr?nt with the pub while it rains. The weather is cold, the feet g?nt and the nose. One is arr? ?icalago for a caf?t donut. mount? and derni? beautiful descent before Canberra. Does Trouv?ar chance a h?l for $12 p. D?r with the pub o?n have grill?ous-m? meat descended?ied towards the Parliament and the lake for fires from artifices. brief description of the interview with photographs people one the solar-concentrator mailing list. Does Ken have us cherch?ers 10h30 and one is all? the Plain one to moir, sphagettis for Erik. Re-examined fires of artifices a little noisy Chinese of a mud cake, tr?lourd in the Internet caf?On left into v? and there is visit?a house of the Parliament emmerd?n guard with our v?s. jambon/fromage, fried and for Erik a sandwich glasses, d?lopp?ilm, achet?r? ?ronzer and not been able?anger. Turn in the botanical garden with much. And then, mont??a Telstra Turn?? for. Moved, wild boar and buffalo with a champagne bottle. Now, one is with the caf?t one?it e-mail?atrin. One A will quitt?anberra without master key rpar the city. Is P?l?usqu'?ensbeyan on a cycle track o?paysage brown, m? trees. D?r?ungendore in a backery with magpies and free coffees with a tart?a vanilla (. changes and becomes green, road enough punt, arr??Tarago for one. One can bathe in a creek, but water more than BOF, then ice and one continues until?oulburn without really having it. Pass?ur a road in construction, wind of C?. Goulburn, 1? city in the inter-country, I believe historically. Drunk ap? and of the chicken pi?s with potatos, tomatos yellow then its glasses with the caf??n could make e-mail =. Then Highway, therefore mount? not. And Highway, until?e that Erik have some enough and made us make a d?ur of 17 km which was worth the sorrow. Arr??ingello for a juice, then?enrose for an ice, one skirts the railroad. And red?rt for Moss Vale, trouv?n Caravan. Inclined road enough with mount?. with salad fried, 1 th?ratuit (2e free cup) skinflints. Travers?or?tropicale, road in laces. And then road for Shellharbour, but is there d?ll?our Warilla, bus dreadful road, much of cars. Arriv?u camp-site $8 and? ?a sea, waves not too. Supper fish and chips, Erik lasagnes and champagne to have. Not considering much the sea, arriv?vu a type with the camp-site, informed us.) ?ollongong to apr?avoir long?a sea and the lake Illawarna and travers?es industries of m?l. have a milksake and?it?atrin, Tania, Kathy. legs for Erik, caf?alibu. to have loong?ne cycle track. Beautiful waves with bodyguards and supper on a "falaises"de steakburgers without alcohol sun, seen on the way? of m?l and surfers. P' tit D? discut?vec of Hollondais. The road begins?onger the cliffs and curves. Arr??hinarl for cappucino and freezes, on a terrasselong arr?avec lost glances?' horizon beg, the kids geulent, then one is moved when m?. Wonbarra for d?r, take-away ferm?alors ap? of our gourd on a bench on a cliff?lifton o?n has also d?r in a plunging restaurant on the sea with steackburger with salad and. Was bathe?oalcliff o?u d?t, one afraid of the waves and one has? in the swimming pool sal??? the sea considering one of people and one is baign?omme them. Can't Stanwell Park o?n camp supper of burgers and cider and one has demand? L?si one can camp. Not inconv?ent, except that it is against. Rebu a cider and a caf?vec sections of cakes, considering a fire in the mountain, farmhouse not considering its trace the following day. Bathe in the sea with beautiful waves which?asent us floor or. Shower, caf?t mont?de 150m, 2 km, rather stiff and hot, but beautiful sight and beautiful wind. National Travers?oyal Park (Morton Park), beautiful for? tropical with small rivi? and apr?une other mont?de 150m (apr??e gone down nicely) considering a fall of eau8 tr? Stop?aterfall o?l seems that there is that a usual take-away, but less better provided than in the "middle of No where". Stop?eathcote for a plan of Sydney and. P?ler on Highway and then with a chi? cars, not trouv?-mall, Kathy not l?The following images come from our week-length stay in Sydney before. and I had gotten have bit tired of keeping the newspaper, so anything from now one has been added. We stayed for 3 gold 4 days in A rather expensive, remote campground in the suburb of Cronulla, just south of Sydney campground was directly under the path of airplanes landing At International Sydney Airport, so it was often quite noisy. There was has beach nearby with has view of downtown Sydney, goal the toilets was has bit dirty with seaweed and junk floating in it, so we never went for has swim there. We spent our time bicycling around Cronulla, going to the beach, and visiting Sydney. of mine from my vacation in Greece) and Mitchell (friend of Christiane from previous holidays in Australia has), goal they. We all had supper together in the revolving restoring in downtown Sydney and ate roast kangaroo. When we questioned them, we discovered that they were both working 50 hours per week, goal they didn' T see anything wrong with that. We weren' T too lucky that week in Sydney. It rained most of the time and our tent was blown over during has storm one our. Manley Beach is pretty depressing in the rain. We took the ferry to go to Manley and back. And we saw the standard tourist views. We were pretty impressed by the gigantic mutant turtles humping one the pier. Drank hey, yew you' ve seen one big, modern city, you' ve seen them all. Vancouver looks like this too. Our saddest chore was to say good-bye to our bicycles. They busted our balls, goal they got custom through in the end. like I was chaining up my faithful dog to has tree and leaving it forever when I left the bikes At Kathy' S parents'. She offered to sell them for custom when we left, goal so far only one of the bikes has been sold. Raleigh 1800 bikes, good condition, used for Perth to Sydney journey. 54cm frame, new cars, wheels, tubes, $250. Copyright. 2000 until the heat-death of the Universe (thanks, Mickey.

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