Aim away message trick changer
. Anyone has loudspeakers routes to repair to pu?ivolgersi to:.. they are capitate recently in laboratory a brace of Rogers LS3/5A, with the sub of the same house, whose owner complained some defects that. It thought that the loudspeakers were. He was taken care for the fact that, having to make them to repair, after could not play pi?ome first sense and after some day I tried them. I became endured account that all the members were OK, however, with marks them sinusoidale and carrying the tension of 16 pilotage to volt, appeared (in both) in the range from the 70 to the 140 Hz saturation with phantom distributed until on vhf, with an effect woofer (Kef B110) that evidently it did not tolerate marks them cos?orti. dealt of a defect but of a limit of the diffusing small opportunely plans you for the BBC for listenings characterizes them to high definition, but to moderated volume, to use of the impegantivi technicians of the sound (in terms of power) these diffusing small were large the Tannoy., use you with them put into effect them recordings to high. to completely fill up the inside of the cabinet of absorbent material, than before it was present single on the walls. Fs (from 71 to 65 Hz), and has, is pure little, elevated the participation threshold moreover the spectral composition with one reduction of the advanced harmonicas. I think that, if?poradico the defect and little pointed out this solo. of I then listen to pu?icorrere itself to the circuit from me experienced (to mount in series to the diffuser, therefore also external) and that it has given it turns out to you pi?he. polarized) shuntato from a torpedo light bulb from 12 volt frequently are employed in the professional diffusers to protection of the mid. That from 12 volt has a filament that introduces a resistance of 0,9 the 16 ohm when?pento and catches up?ncandescente ohm when. from chosen me for the members it holds account of the fact that the this Rogers. In these conditions the only appreciable affection that produces to the circuit?a total passing of the distortion, also to level medio/sostenuto could be perceived a lightening of the range. If ci?i belly power of attorney badly you can obviate carrying the capacit?F, moreover employing instead of a single light bulb from 12. it adopts singularly or jointly in order to obtain the minimal possible attenuation to you on the low range becomes the less protecting circuit turns out in the comparisons of the distortion. With the values from me it indicates the distortion to you takes part with marks them of amplitude. If you have the same problem on your Rogers and will experience my solution fatemi knowledge. I have passed from little forty years and?a 20 that are gotten passionate of. Between ups and downs, some autocostruzione without pretensions shooting ahead. Unfortunately from young person I watched pi?e girls of the books, and this has prevented to me to have one technical formation. They are enrolled to a Mailing relative List to HI FI, and of recent?ata an argument on the "absolute phase" of the sonorous wave they allegate that if marks them reproduced from a loudspeaker invert of phase of 180. regarding it marks them electrical worker originates them?dibile in some cases like one. I have not very understood what I agree for "absolute phase", having a not exceptional system, but however good, I do not feel difference between the two conditions. I would be curious to read its opinion in merit, inasmuch as I have read to some of Its articles (years ago) with much interest, perch?a always demonstrated with measures and diagrams ci?he it has written, and in pi?ono be one of the many that have listened to ESB 7/06 without being able them to per?ermettere, unfortunately. If not if of?ncora shrewed, I estimate it very, and me dispiace poterLa not to pi?eggere on the reviews audio (than I do not buy pi?a time). he marks them acoustic are of ondulatorio type. from one sequence of increases and lessenings of the pressure of the air regarding. Like the waves in the sea, the acoustic waves propagano. We imagine an acoustic impulse costituito.da an express increase of the pressure, followed from a "bounce" negative and a successive return to the valor medium of the pressure. In order to reproduce a similar wave a loudspeaker would have before to move a lot fastly in its direction in order then to return fastly behind and then still little in ahead species of short would feel one "toc". the succession of the motion of the loudspeaker. "invert of phase" of 180., its acoustic feeling instead would be the same one, also se.alcuni investigators support of to have demonstrated differences employee from modalit?i the operation of our auditory system viceversa obvious to attend differences to cause from are also minimal, asymmetries. Object: Reading to its interview with Francisco Pigeon still I with my eternal indecisione on the cases to buy a series of acquired reasons it is listening, it is from technical detailed lists are much legacy to the production planned from Renato Giussani (on purpose the 80 LD with woofer with suspension in rubber was that one planned from She friend of it has a brace that played just OK hour is trying to rifare the suspension the Canine Woofer but the kit they are unavailable and as usual we will have unfortunately to send them to the usual of which we have optimal knowing news from several and the reviews but it is to Genoa and we to Bariums). Me dispiace farLe to lose time but I repeat that the feeling of spazialit? nature own of the 2 cases of series 7 from me listened to (the 7/08 does not know which series and of how many ways, and the 7/06-II) has not still found a valid one avails again, also having up to now listened to many other good realizations (SEES THIEL series 7, Quad ESL, B&W - Nautilus, Martin 802 Logan - Quest, Klipschorn, and many others also of advanced cost and name comprised Acappella. Perhaps a case that is approached for sure backs?a Tannoy GRF that for? most sensitive to the vertical movements. not to have characteristics, as in a sure sense same It says in rilasciata interview aHI FI GUIDES (the persons seated on. Cio?on is optimal bottoms, acute ends disturbing etc, as perhaps in other cases, or spazialit?ncredibili, but six l?i forehead to music as to one. 1) from that I have understood the system of spread of the sound that pi?a satisfies?a NPS-1000 that I suppose (blessed soul She) is still to house Its also perch?postarlo does not have to be simple this case?l arranges NPS, better of the DSR. exist others unit?i NPS 1000 beyond Its and however I think not to be able to me to allow it in no way (even if It supplied us the constructive plans, legitimately improbable what, our houses, mine and that one of get passionate to you that they could help to construct me would not be adapted them to the scope and however the economic engagement would be the highest creed, to judge, if not other, from the number of the members implies to you). instead sure best (at least the series) of the cases with DSR. costs - ridicules (is found to prices comprised between 1 and 2 million in discreet. The question?la aesthetically?eravigliosa Audio Aedon NPS III that, that it cost of pi?ella realized?tata ESB and after (cio?on the experience of the ESB to the shoulders) as is placed between NPS 1000 and 7/06. In order to make it short: currently, also with the thousand doubts legacies to my atmosphere of I listen (and that for hour they have been the true problem for which one or the other is not still in house mine) does not know if I succeed to find pi?almeno the 7/06 series ready available (that is if the owner from me contacted the last time 2 months ago has sold it). Rome to take them (enters in machine the measures is OK). found, always to Rome a brace of series II.Le NPS III (that I hope still have not been sold from their owner tarantino) are to 80 KM from house, if a member breaks off itself it can also repurchase, are newest (1999 and held with respect they said sacred) but. That is the resonances were such not to make to obviously come outside not minimal differences if with my Dynaudio Craft (2 ways with 28mm tweeter a Esotar and woofer a Dynaudio from 17 cm come to an agreement in reflex front, little pi?randi of 1, Contour mount reader Copland 288 and pre+finale brace AES 3 + 1). of having of the foolish cases but I waited for to me that NPS III are better the other other models propostimi are FOR ac 3, (those nearly from pavement) that they have a particularly warm sound. I do not succeed to understand if NPS III that also are to house Its (in a various room from the 7/06 but creed also from the NPS-1000) are for nature and spazialit?aragonabili to the 7/06 or quite more better seen the fact that they use the NSP, or are alone the derived diffusing usual from 1000 that then completely effect NPS (too many resonances) and gave to a cold stamp apparently seppur much pleasant one to it (to difference of series 7 that?alda) and above all gave the impression TO LISTEN TO an optimal SYSTEM HI FI even though but not of being in front of the musical event that my CD of reference are masterizzati and were illeggibili for. It has to me gi?isposto in part to these questions (the 7/06 is pi?ndicate for its tastes, buys a pair of 7/06 and lives happy). bed many years ago said that NPS III had one great sound and for sure backs the NPS regarding the optimal DSR. also emerged all superiorit?ell' would still want a also dispassionate rispostina (or perhaps gotten passionate personal to these questions and in particular also regarding the positioning in an atmosphere of I listen to much asymmetric one that second It would not have to give. the Dynaudio that they have a SPL Max pi?asso regarding NPS III) obviously succeeds to strongly play without to distort. Finally: I have read on the article of which over (interview of Francisco Pigeon) that between the references of the times in which the 7/06 they have been planned there were the Yamaha ns1000, Than between the other (Deo Gratias) I think is a highly atypical diffuser regarding the other Yamaha even if somiglia aesthetically. I this diffuser have listened to it in house mine with my electronic ones for some days (I am of a my friend who not if it would separate never) and it went some indeed well, much natural and dynamic epi?aldo and suit on the upper-middle one of mine, with a articulation on the bottoms totally disowned to the Craft (were not of pi?lmeno to the volumes to which it could itself be arrrivare with the Craft, but a lot, many pi?rticolati). memory, as it sees 7/06 or NPS III regarding Yamaha NS 1000 that could perhaps be the only alternative to the ESB or Audio Aedon (sells them one. Precise that that the Yamaha to house mine in order to play in symmetrical way had to be advanced at least 1, bottom from the part where the wall there?ed also the angle) perch?ltrimenti, also not introducing some contraindication in the emission in vlf, introduced a totally asymmetric sound on the perch?ei means sure knows Them more better than me) that the Yamaha they are wide little pi?ei Woofer (from 30 cm of diameter) for which ca 35 cm while the ESB and Audio Aedon are respective 46 and 48cm (cio?iniscono still pi?n angle of the Yamaha) We hope well (the Dyanudio are wide the usuals 20cm). However if they are comparable I prefer if I find ESB or Audio Aedon to them perch?oglio a diffuser from pavement that moves cio?utto entirety senn?ade. I communicate with joy to wait for little from a sex son (still. Perhaps I know that not gliene importer?a s?isto that if I do not buy the cases hour difficultly avr?l time of disturbarLa pi?n l?i better Auguries for this 2002 and always hoping of risentire its name in the high fedelt?i class (home theater to two ways it supported it also the Cello, and then it would be pi?uraturo for the buyer who would be carried therefore to invest of devout? I pick the occasion for salutarLa with esteem and (chiss?he in 2002 She not encounter an electronics expert. I make the doctor for which I cannot aiutarLa). 80 LD with suspension in rubber?tata not planned from me, but from mine. NPS 3 are not to derive from 1000, that they have been planned after indicated for its tastes, buy a pair of 7/06 and live felice.Electronics of Giolo Massimiliano Repairs TV Color. are Massimiliano Giolo, holder of a repair laboratory radio-tv. Gotten passionate of high-fedelt?i?ll' electronics and et?i 13 years, I read and I dreammed on the photos of the apparatuses recensiti on the pages of. Gotten passionate for economic reasons of autocostruzione, I read to the regarding technical articles the plans from she introduces to you, and I dreammed. After an immense experience anniversary in the field of the elettronica(Radio, TV-Color, Videoregistrazione, Computer, Hi-Fi, Car stereo), me meeting to recover two woofer "mythical" RCF L15P/200 dismessi from a discotheque of mine citt?ritrovo projected behind in the time to leaf through the reviews still very conserved in order to plan a case for gli.Ritrovo with appeals to its name, and in the deprived of hope attempt to find those "dated" BASS-PC ", me meeting to being able to unload it from its situated Internet. Without dilungarmi too much: one of my dreams then was of autocostruirmi two diffusers to high efficiency and one. Hour with the RCF I wanted to try to construct furnitures to me in wood with BASS-PC, that it works very well under Windows. 1 - The woofer in my possession L15P/200 are siglati, exactly like those brought back in a catalogue RCF to the inside of AudioReview di.quegli. Hour the RCF produces the same woofer with one various acronym: L15P200A, K and from the brought back parameters of Thiele/Small also in the database of the software, famous that are of. Not task that these depend solo from the fact that they could be measured from the alive one from. In the planning of the case I must keep in mind of the brought back parameters. 2 - Between several the plans of case reflex to disposition to which it advises me. 3 - Having to disposition two cases of 150 liters gi?atte from a my friend, inserting the parameter in the software, I can realize the modification that me. From the several tests carried out me seems feasible. Not wanting to tire it beyond with my dreams of infancy, ringrazio it for its disponibilit? for the possibilit?i to have been able to unload. I would be much happy one if it could give to some council anch' I to me to the beginning have been "gotten passionate" of autocostruzione for. Inasmuch as you have of the doubts on the effective value of the parameters of Thiele and Small of yours woofer, perch?on them measures, cos?otresti to carry out a plan from turn out to you. All the versions of the Bass program (comprised that one for C64) preview a breaking in ruotine that assists in the survey and the calculation of the entire necessary set of parameters for the successive use of. In order to pass without indugi to the measure, memory that must be equipped of a vlf generator to us that covers also the band from 10 to 100 Hz, an amplifier of power from at least a pair of watt, a voltmetro electronic, a ohmetro with the scale of Ohm x 1 or at least able to carry out measures of the 10 inferior resistances to Ohm with at least a figure decimates them, a weight gives approximately 30/40 grams (if ring-like) more better not ferromagnetic, a righello pi?ungo of the diameter of the loudspeaker with subdivisions in milimeter, one resistance from 1/2 8,0 watt Ohm and one resistance from 1/2 watt or pi?a 3. Per.primo.cosa you must measure the resistance of the coil in cc. The escape of the amplifier, the resistance and the loudspeaker, supported in horizontal must be connected in series on its magnet on a heavy plan and very. The voltmetro it goes connected in parallel to the loudspeaker and then you must first of all proceed to the calibration of the scale of the voltmetro connecting the resistance from 8,0 Ohm in place of the loudspeaker. You choose a frequency around to the 100 Hz and increases the tension until when, on the scale from 1 Volt of voltmetro law 0,8. Then Ohm reconnects the loudspeaker in place of the resistance from 8 and executes all the sequence of. You memory that the equivalent diameter?uello that suspension from both sides of the diameter clearly comprises the diameter of the cone pi?et?ella. The frequency of resonance?uella to which the stiffness catches up a relative maximum the F1 and F2 is hardly to of under and above that one of resonance and is those to which the stiffness assumes the indicated value. Naturally, in order to carry out the reading of the 10 advanced stiffnesses to Ohm, like also in the case of the reading of the stiffness to 1 kHz, you will have to go up with the scale of. It makes me to know if you meet difficolt?da part mine prover? to put on-linens one of the articles in which I explained step step all the procedure of. Wanting to avoid the measure I would advise you to use the parameters declares to you. The alignment reflex that I prefer not?l B4, than not "sound" a lot hi-fi for several reasons, bens?n any QB3. You hold account that, in the plan you can vary also the Ql of the piece of furniture that, in the least case of absorbent, wood often and little trafilaggi pu?nche to situate between the 5 and the 10, but that to pu?ssere lowered with a little fiber glass (a filling of 30% pu?lectronics of Giolo Massimiliano Repairs TV Color. I in the first place wish ringraziar it in order to have been able to dedicate a po' of its time in order to answer to me, oltretutto in cos?empestiva way. I must confess them that I have still some doubt on that solution to adopt for. Premetto in the first place that the week before finding BASS-PC I have tried to calculate the piece of furniture with other software to freeware and to shareware finds to you in Internet in situated Americans, but the various ones turn out obtained to you and the impossibilit?i to understand on which systems the good calculations were based me hanno.Avevo considered the data supplied from the RCF, like from she. It would appeal to to me to be able to measure from alive the parameters of the woofer, but I would not succeed to find of the time because of my job software, my choice had fallen on the system reflex B4 poich?non knowing the difference between several the systems, had obtained the best extension towards the inferior limit of the gamma.Avevo obtained an inferior frequency -3dB of 43.Gli other systems had discards them you for the insufficient extension towards the bottom observed from the diagrams risultanti.A to say true the best extension in frequency was obtained with filtered the B6 system, but the realization would begin to being pi?omplessa.1, like evince from the manulae of the program, would demand an equal Qts to 0. and, although mine woofer it has In short these my final considerations:. - varying reflex: volume case reflex 150 liters (in place of the 96 calculates to you), for being able to take advantage of of furnitures gi?atti. made, poich?ono it realizes to you with truciolare of average densit?pesso 2 cm very glue nearly without trafilaggi and therefore Them I would be much pleasing one if it could give still some council to me. All good would go, if it were not that between the 96 liters it calculates you from the the 150 program and available the difference?Che excursion and answer curves calculates the program then calculating all for the chosen QB3 and changing only the volume and even also the Ql (the factor of merit of the piece of furniture) reducing it a volume to the inside of the furnitures that possesses gi?on of the bulkheads in wood or volumes. I enclose the three diagrams turning out from the calculation with system reflex QB3 n. For? this point me dubbio:ovviamente rises an other beyond to the extension of the answer in frequency changing several the parameters very changes also the way to play. As "sound" said she - not. It could explain to me in little words, if possible, the substantial difference between several the systems of agreement. I hope just that it can help me, otherwise if the thing began too much to being complex and of disturbance for she prover. I had gi?isposto, increasing to the volume the answer it changes enough, above all in the shape, less rounded off and graduates them in the cut. A lot per?a not to render it not. What I said approximately the sound hi-fi than less sure reflex reported to the fact that when the answer in frequency in the pressed ones of the cut introduces a course pi?ipido, even characterized also from a localized emphasis, to I listen to easy pu?omportare the classic feeling of the "bottom. In its case, being the deep frequencies in game much, this not dovrebbe.3, also perch?na eventual reduction of the volume and/or the adaptation of the agreement culvert, where the reputasse necessary, could always carry out it. I would pray to advise itself on the following question: to a system of American "Optimus 500" marks acquired a ten of years ago produced from the Shack Radio and constituted from sub-woofer and a two satellites to they time composed from a tweeter, a woofer like in object and a woofer passive from 10. trying it in the USA, if still reciprocations exist, but with elevated expenses. - to find a technician that he can ribobinarlo, seen integrit?el the cone. In the light of its high professionalit?d experience pu?onsigliarmi R-al.meglio, and in the case to address to me towards some supplier. In the wait of one its answer ringrazio it anticipatamente. In the case it wants to replace it would have to know many other parameters. Diameter and stiffness are not absolutely sufficient in the first place ringrazio It for its precious suggestion. For the ribobinatura It has some address to suggest to me in Milan. In the case a supplier for the substitution, in attached wanted to advise to me trover?e characteristic techniques cos?ome supplied from the house. Ringrazio infinitely and Them shipment my pi?ordiali salutes to be much practiced normal school and easy. An account and to replace an external suspension or a cone to a still integral woofer that it has coil and centratore and other to?ostituire the coil and to rimontare, with necessit?i rifaring from zero. Creed that only a factory could take part. the data that it has sent to me, unfortunately, are of all. It could try is made to advise for the substitution of the entire member from a technical friend who can choose a loudspeaker similar to its after to have some at least estimated to eye the weight and the consistency of the cone, nonch?e measures of the coil (diameter and length), nonch?el magnet. In this case, found expecting to the substitution, would convene to them to carry out it on both satellites, so that, for less, they play equal multiple attivit?n particular for that editorial keeps in mind che.sono a fan of clocks. of music. of Hi Fi... Given its experience, quite in the planning of diffusers. Recently I have read of a particular connection in order to add a third party. Connection of the third diffuser: directed to the two positive clips you. Experienced I l.ho, and from a pair of months listen to music with this system trifonico. with one sure satisfaction. The third uncomfortable one l.ho posizionato 4m behind the point of I listen while From this third diffuser for? nearly totally absent the human voice, while echoes are felt, reverberates, and good the remaining part of sonorous message instead, as an example, the third diffuser practically has the same musical content of the two main diffusers. To me it seems that the function of this third cos?ollegato diffuser must be just that one of just giving pi?ambienza. all.ascolto perch??n something that not?ercettibile through the two diffusers. Through Internet I have had way to feel a pair of persons ferrate. sull.argomento that has per?mentito to me. They say and they support that this third cos?ollegato diffuser must substantially give back different a complete sonorous message seppur. I have not never read nothing of the sort on the reviews of field like never. Which?.impedenza of the system with this connection if the three diffusers instead mark them for the third diffuser from the positive clip of the two cases. If to serve? if vorr?e to potr?are other data for the positive-positive connection between the two channels (than some it widens, just, non "the information" mono ", that is those identical ones appreciate") are obtained to eliminate from the cos?ollegato diffuser all on the two channels, and to attenuate gradually less and less to all those that differ gradually of only left pi?segnale or single right "uscir?anche from its channel that the information" of ambiente".hanno fasi.per the pi?iverse on the two channels, remain nearly all and come emitted from the center she appeal to and widen protest do not see contraindications to it to use this. Perhaps in its case it helps to make to forget the absence about a wall behind the zone of I listen, or me mistake not its kind answer to the three is problems for the publication particularly to receive one quesiti.precedentemente formulated and that I have left to deep page from previous and mail. ?tato in fact said that the cos?ffettuato connection?a to consider itself in series, and therefore with the increase dell' stiffness, ampli.(e the this seems discordant gives it to its the bottom wall to me, not creed that this could have given back to the ambienza and sure particular small but meant to you that it gives back the diffuser also if I must admit that dress solo from a pair of years in this new situation (ambient) and with new diffusers it changes you of recent. ?.impedenza of the system with this connection if as an example the three diffusers have every stiffness = 8 Ohm mine widens (Perreaux 2350 400+400 4ohm 200+200 8ohm). to capture marks them +/+ for the third diffuser from the positive clip of the two cases instead that from connection widens of which we are disquisendo, in phase of recording of marks them audio not?revisto, and therefore belongs to the category of "makes up" (which belongs also the vertical extension of the DSR. that adds information audio that it codifies stereo did not preview of the result to it satisfies it the uses pure, but an explanation scientifically dimostrabile.di those that happens in its atmosphere not potr?all' the stiffness, every channel "sees" a variable stiffness between a minimum when it only marks them?resente on a channel to the time and a maximum when it marks them?dentico on the two channels ( this case?ome if. When, as an example it marks them?resente only on the left channel, that channel of the amplifier "sees" an equal stiffness to the parallel of the left diffuser and that one centers them. it marks them from the clips on the cases, if the connection cables widen-cases are good (lowest resistance, not highest cost. from 21 years a pair of ESB 100 L-D: of they are not sure but I must vaschetta find the 3 fuses and the motivating force clips for the facade are found: the 3 pointers of overload, the power display with its switch to levetta, 2 selectors that attenuate that in the booklet that accompanied the product it asserts that of the test of the 100 L-D (?na photos of one printed Bruel & with the answer in frequency and the curve of stiffness) are supplied customer there, but I do not have I find them to you in I pack on the photos of the booklet the membrane of the woofer I appear black - polishes (said "sticky", like if there were of the wrinkled material and with rings concentrici.viceversa, mine woofer has membranes in paper smooth clear gray and suspension?n rubber, not?ffatto cracked and incollaggio still seems that these info allow them to characterize the product said, rather is satisfied of together: "diffusing - Quad 44 and. - CD player Yamaha 550 - Thorens 115 mk II - Stanton 681 eee -. wants to say this: I feel the difference between I listen in of concert and to house mine - in so far as my system "test of the park bench" - but I would have to spend too much in order to increase. Between the other they are convinced that a lot depends on the atmosphere of listens and factors that are not controlled simply acquiring. To this purpose I propose them a experience that avr?atto: listening to a seated brano comfortably of to the diffusers, tests to put the hands behind the orecchie like when we want to mean not to have felt well that it changes to the connection eardrum-air, change all change the perception of the entire answer in frequency. the consequences of this simple gesture with those deriving spold of hundred of euro in "special cables". Giussani?he many are get passionate to you of objects in how many objects that allow you to listen to music to house yours without abandon the family to the 10 of evening after one day of that the price of the elevated CD?roppo: but the Italian consumptions are of met?i the those French and perhaps if the market increased ended the digressione, my requirement?uella to improve the existing. Inasmuch as for hobby I make the carpenter (and in my "carpenter's shop" listens to music), would want to rifare the piece of furniture of the bruttino with those pretended to rovere. Us they can be of the positive consequences in increasing. The range of frequencies entrusted to woofer the?bbastanza bottom gives to mount the woofer same on the flank of the piece of furniture without. It is worth the pain to make things of the type: to replace some members goddesses make noise if she sets in action to you, the fuses are not never jump to you). one various issue: I know well that the 706 constitute a jump. and memory that I remained been strange above all from the stabilit?cena sonorous regarding variations of the position of I listen cost too much for one student squattrinato. large for my small room. and the market of the used one offers of the good occasions. the fact that the suspensions of the loudspeakers are in foam and I have. Naturally my name and my email. to turn me to you like to an old friend, approval how much passion we have what you say to me seems that your ESB are the model 100 LD that was in production when I has reached in company in 1979, planned dall.Ing. The model that I have personally see again and corrected in order to render it pi?derente to the my philosophies of plan was that one of series II whose name. the differences were many, between which the substitution of the cone of the woofer with one better, the added one than a beautiful one po. of grams of weight in order to reduce the frequency of resonance and the reduction dell.impedenza of the same loudspeaker in order to maintain devout? less the same sensibilit?non efficiency) that is the same "sound level" for the same position of the grip handle of the volume dell.ampli. your cases would seem to belong to the first series but with the cone of woofer gi?el the new type (are pure without "increases in weight") and, to my warning, of deep bottoms of it they had po. pochini. a simple increase of the volume per?on enough, since you would achieve s?n lowering of the resonance frequency, but also lowering of the "factor of merit" (q) proporziona them that is an answer a lot that you would have to make, for attempted to you?i to remove dall.interno of piece of furniture one. I would try endured leaving of only the quantit?ecessaria and sufficient in order to cover with one layer of 2/3 cm all the inner walls, leaving only the circle occupied from the small basket free of. If then the bottom had to turn out a po. excessive or rimbombante, you could always replace in the piece of furniture a po. of the fiber glass that you had to the suspensions in sponge destroyed from the time, they can be replaced with one. Devout? less in all citt?.?lmeno a laboratory specialized in "reconing" (the riconaggio) of the woofer, but, in this case, you could also try to make from single suspension of the same shape and measure of that one originates them (is storees, to try with engagement, that they sell the suspensions of loudspeakers CIARE to anyone), remove all the rests of that route helping itself with the trielina and rincolla that new to the cone (before) and the small basket (then) using one must have?he the cone turns out centered very regarding the small basket, so that, when far?vanti and behind, the mobile coil (than?issata all.apice of cone) does not go to scour on the traferro. woofer would maintain it on the frontal panel, but you can always try of ruotare all the panel of a score of degrees towards l.interno dell.area of this case, for pure aesthetic reasons, instead tilting simply only the panel, could inspire you to the section of the cases of series 7, than?rapezoidale with the perpendicular external side to the panel. the noisy commutators you can use one cylinder of disossidante liquid. All the rest I would try to leave it com., to the maximum the bipolarized elettrolitici condensers with others of pi?imili characteristics possible (Capacit?tensione of job could be changed. eventual exclusion of fuses and power display it would not have to involve. its wonderful situated one I have had the feeling to see one light in bottom to bed some letters and its kind disponibilit?elle answers and?os?iaccesa in me one small hope. it makes, I had realized with the "suggestions" of a famous review of Italian electronics two acoustic cases for hi-fi from 17 ltr in MDF from 20 milimeter and a lot very rifinite with a special varnish antiscratch anthracite of the aforesaid review "a series of box was advised" for loudspeakers, is sluices that BR, that it only held account of following therefore, what has come some outside. the filters cross-over have been realize to you from me with the suggestions of same the used loudspeakers are: Woofer Monarch (Monacor) SPH-165 and Tweeter Monarch DT-250 that I consider, and that therefore I acquired for this reason, of the good members but, perhaps, in particolar way for the woofer, difficult to manage, above all in the light of the attempted ones to you that, in the meantime I have made for migliorarle. complete and therefore advanced to other software in my tried possession to recall the data of the SPH-165 and to begin the planning of a case bass-reflex inasmuch as the 165 has an equal Qts to 0. solo in this configurazione.i turns out to you, obviously, carried me to the furniture realization of dimensions many inferiors to mine 17 liters is with the B4, that I know not to be its preferred one, I obtain one frequency of Fb=76. agreement always carried outside?tata road the Fs of the SPH-165 that, from the Sheet Date. in 43 Hz and, in spite of everything, I do not succeed to increase of towards the bottom the answer without to endure a showy degradation with a confused sound and inscatolato. my question, and I make excuses myself to have removed them of the precious time?oprattutto one demanded of aid disperata:1- is outside road or can still hope nel. or second she I could try with of varying reflex modifying VB - QL and FB. but, with the ideas it is confused that I have, I would have need of a council on as to move and which values to me to have under the eye during ringrazio anticipatamente in order to have to me read and, if avr? or not avr?no. equally, above all for the job and the professionalit?he it expresses through its studies and its works. Denitto, first of all thanks for compliments wants to have an idea pi?recisa of the field to which I apply currently professionalit?he she kindly seems a lot to appreciate, to pu?rovare to once buy to my review the Clock to come to its questions, detention being remained that, unfortunately, I do not have materially the time in order to rifare or to verify the plan for she with Bass and/or Cross, those that have realized and that probably andr?omunque to improve it is that the alignment is B4 (in this case creed can be preferibile. to perci?revedere a how much before also subwoofer. pi?emplice solution could be that one to make box from one a sessantina of liters and full load 50% of fiber glass and to mount to us a woofer double coil from this case, cos?d eye, the filter for ciascuna via of the sub could be constituted from 12 dB/ottava with coil from 5 mH and condenser from 2/300 F. filter for every satellite could be constituted from a condenser from 200 F in series and one resistance from one cinquantina of Ohm (10 Watt) in. The connection of the satellites must be in controfase regarding. Giussani, with respect to the programs of which in object it would interest to know to me, not having the instruction handbook, to what refers and which values to have, in the parameters of the loudspeakers of a plan, Qa and continuation to my demand for aid of 01-02 u. the kind and timely answer, with the aid of its programs I have redesigned planned migliorabile Sicuramente with a cross-over ad.0, I would want see again the filters, of the 2, order, than to the age they were the fruit of the usual formulas found on electronics reviews, in order to avoid excessive superimpositions that can create qualche.Tra the graphical presents in the programs sopradetti which advise me to hold under control in order to obtain one before plan the course (of the woofer as an example). in the crossing region the module of the stiffness not present one excessive pronounced bell, or, to the ends of one total answer? times possible, varying "manually" the values of L and C calculate to you from the program, and controlling of time in time the diagrams, to be able to catch up a good result, or there are other roads for arrivarci. I remove pi?ltro time and I make excuses myself if how much I ask Them Them seems discounted and obvious but for me it would be important to be able to melt these doubts and to be musician, university professor of orchestra in the Foundation the passion for the electronics and, is for professional reasons that of appeal to staff listen to much classic music. ?er this that I am trying to also catch up a satisfactory result recognizing my limits in the field of the hi-fi and also, we say it clearly, for personal satisfaction Cross programs the optimization of the answer of the system, normally comes to be obtained varying the values of the members of the net for attempts answer in frequency to having to be optimized?uella measurable in free field (without the riverberazioni and the reflections of the atmosphere) from the pi?robabile position of I listen (of usual, approximately 2,5 meters of distance and 110 cm. this first passage, species if the filters adopt to you are from 12 dB/Ott, for the tweeter to potr?apitare of having to choose between the logon in phase or in aim of the plan they must have of the horizontal polar diagrams and vertical pi?immetrici possible regarding the zone of I listen to and an answer in atmosphere pi?egolare possible, even if decreasing (a course that normally to I listen works enough well?rescente to approximately 2 dB/ottava in free and decreasing field approximately to same "the installments" in. With the present pavement the answer until the 200 Hz pu?nche being "how much" depends also gives is the two parameters to use in order to define the pass-low natural filter of every loudspeaker (the natural cut of their answer in frequency in filter absence), tweeter comprised to the compensation of the stiffness, normally?ecessaria. of the stiffness not to obtain?uello that it corresponds to the answers in frequency wished without to introduce inferior values to the 3, 4 Ohm omits deserves to you compliments for chiederLe, which "true" expert of hi-fi, in the sense pi?mpio of the term, what thinks some about the acoustic transfer. I have read from some part in "net", than the alteration of the vlves, well-known influenced from the dimensions of knows it of I listen, to pu?alcolare itself (with a simple formula) in such way to know the frequency in which verification the greater gain (caused from the atmosphere) and to be able to cos?rogettare R-al.meglio the section low of an ideal system of reproduction (species if the adoption of a sub-woofer is previewed). Siccome I do not trust myself those very that circulates in "net", I have tried to ask to an other "expert" news in merit and, just in order to complicate the ideas to me?tato said me that they are so many variable in?ressoch?mpossibile game that to calculate the "atmosphere gain" (I do not know perch?a convinces me of pi?A this point, in order to soccer say it, the new ball?i to the center and I have need of an arbitrator integerrimo in order to see who wins. Hoping not to have it tediata, ringrazio it however for the time that vorr?This Message was undeliverable two to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination computer refused to accept it (the error message is reproduced below). is usually two to to mis-configured account or mail delivery system on the destination computer however, it could be caused by your message since loads mail systems refuse messages with invalid header information, or for the following reason: delivery error: dd This user doesn' t have to yahoo. The following recipients did not receive this message:. if you feel this message to be in error. Received-From-MTA: dns.Renato (80, Diagnostic-Code: smtp.554 delivery error: dd This user doesn' t have to yahoo. Having pi?olte stated that "to preview" and "to control" all the resonances of the?mpossibile atmosphere, in the NPS-1000 I have chosen to put them "all" to my service being emitted the vlves from six various positions, neighbor to earth, met?ltezza and neighbor to the ceiling, but to one various distance regarding that "near one earth". In the plan of the case, then, I reinforce of lowlands?vviamente held in. The expectable result?olto, with pi?acilmente low many pi?egolari.Giussani, is a happy utilizzatore of "its". Putroppo creed is time to change the loudspeakers (woofer and mid-low). to I listen do not notice defects but the rubber of the suspension introduces many leaks on all and the four devices you. The council to try "to delicately reinforce" the suspensions of the loudspeakers with vinilica glue applied a lot with a pennellino, before that. If the suspension of the woofer had to yield potr?empre to make to replace it, while for the mid-low?n po' pi?ifficile perch? much light, even if not impossible one. The loudspeakers are not sostituibili. In the previous one mail I had forgotten to ask, since some day f?o had way to listen to a system to two ways online of transmission, which (s)vantaggi. such type obviously to bass reflex and the perch?ale solution?ommercialmente little. If such system knows a situated one where?en. Me excuses a lot for the eventual disturbance. Son always esisiti also many systems to you trades them to transmission line, less efficient of reflex and also of the case the sluice, but with bottoms pi?rofondi. to I listen depends is from one effective amplitude of banda.all' extreme inferior, sia.alla smaller presence of sure low frequencies a po' pi?u in frequency che.sono in a position to "hardening" subjective physical principle of "I reinforce" of the emission to the such frequency that the emission of the culvert returns in phase with the frontal emission a frequency pi?lta the emission turns out in controfase, also is mainly attenuated from the effect of the sanitary napkin acustisco place in. The result?na acoustic answer to the vlves much objective and subjective extensive one, but with one sure attenuazione..pi? less obvious localized to one double frequency regarding that limit. the game is based on "compromesso".fra the two effects (reinforces and attenuation), that it depends on the length of the culvert and the type, from the quantit? on the disposition of the sanitary napkin in the culvert damping the culvert depends nearly exclusively on the Q and the gi?itato "compromise" (, wants or you do not want. ago I have been able to listen of the Tandberg cases that to I listen turned out very. I do not know, perch?on I have tried it, a situated one dedicated to the transmission line, but not creed that of it does not exist search with key "transmission linens". of a loudspeaker measure "in function of the frequency" that is trace the diagram of its module from 20 to 20. sense would want that the nominal stiffness came chosen so that, applying to that nominal stiffness (resistiva and therefore constant with the frequency) an equal phantom to detailed lists IEC for the simulation marks them stocastico (noise) having of marks them musical, the power developed electrical worker was the same one absorbed from the loudspeaker. the norms preview that the real stiffness never does not come down less of 80% than that "noun", this?' only recommendation, of easy that it comes used nearly from all. We put that the stiffness of its dichirarata one not potr?ssere advanced to 6,4/0,8=8,0. In practical, the loudspeakers from 4 ohm have the King of the coil approximately 3,0 pars to ohm, those from 8 ohm ce have give it approximately 6 ohm. Blank, it compliments for the situated one and exceptional attivita'. technical the electronic one and would have to turn a question on the loudspeakers, sure banal for an expert one as she laboratory conditions - second the norms standard (would have to be IEC 268-5) - dev' for being measured the nominal stiffness of a loudspeaker: a shape of sinusoidale wave would have to be applied to 1000 Hz. but with which tension, or current, or power. I hope can have answer to this. of a loudspeaker measure "in function of the frequency" that is trace the diagram of its module from 20 to 20. modalit?ella measure is found to them here:. sense would want that the nominal stiffness came chosen so that, applying to that nominal stiffness (resistiva and therefore constant with the frequency) an equal phantom to detailed lists IEC for the simulation marks them stocastico (noise) having of marks them musical, the power developed electrical worker was the same one absorbed from the loudspeaker. the norms preview that the real stiffness never does not come down less of 80% than that "noun", this?' only application, that it comes used nearly from all. We put that the present stiffness of its loudspeaker one. The declared nominal stiffness not potr?ssere advanced to 6,4/0,8=8,0. In practical, the loudspeakers from 4 ohm have the King of the coil approximately 3,0 pars to ohm, those from 8 ohm ce have give it approximately 6 ohm. They are a happy anchor owner of a Pioneer SA8500 acquired from my parents when I had approximately 15 years, creed was 1975 or 1976. in Internet to the search of one some documentation of my aplificatore, not succeeding by now to find pi?a documentation originates them, when me they are imbattuto in its article of comparazione between Pioneer SA8500 and the McIntosh. It does not know how much pleasure has made the thing me. nearly trent' years, than there was and there?mi it seems to understand, this diatriba. my account I can only report them of the Pioneer inasmuch as the McIntosh I never do not have it. What to say them, to part some and l?l' here amplifier gracchiamento works still with dignity to 28 years approximately from the purchase the system originates them: two ML10c cases of the McIntosh, a plate Technics SL1200 with testina Shure V15 TypeIII (ago originates them of the ' 75/' 76 but only mounted two years in least the how much conserved gelosamente and used), a sintonizzatore Pioneer TX-D1000 of successive date and a recent portable reader CD (horror the system has always had a sound not tiring perhaps p?ovattato "in comparison to systems of new generation cases hour in repair, ago hopes that it is succeeded to fix them, gi?iparate a ten of years, the working rest?erfettamente and it has not never had. The salute and thanks still in order to have made available. Ps -?he it does not have information also of the cases. Here some news on the cases. 3-way bookshelf system with 10"woofer, 1-1/2" soft dome mid and. Contemporary laminated designs has walnut finish. frame with plastic vertical slats having matching walnut. Requires the MQ101 or MQ102 equalizer for flat low frequency.
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