
Sex positions

–. The row?r?erreichische authors each volume is dedicated to a Pers?ichkeit of the literary life and enth? Beitr? to lives, work and rezeption. In addition come current analyses, criticisms and essays to central aspects of the work as well as a vollst?ige bibliography. Given change of Kurt Bartsch and Gerhard Melzer I may not away-steal themselves. The time is the end of the truth. Attempt?r the novel the Pfirsicht?r of A. The ambiguous and the clear Gr? Side of A. The end of the truth or education to ideology skepticism. There are days, on which the things are the names of the things. Mutma?ng?r a poem of A. The tr?rische world of the perception. Given change of Kurt Bartsch and G?her A. "here the language laughs itself out". To the focusing of the Sexualit?bei E. "the love is the Fortf?ung of the war with other means". A Strindberg St? a Operette is against it. Notes to a ungew?lichen biography (Vita). Given change about Gerhard fox and R?ger wiping beard who understands it, understands it (Gespr? with H. "we discovered the dialect f?die modern seal. A cross section by the work H. my heart is the l?elnde dress of a thought never guessed. To talk Pl?yer f?die associative non--method?r and to the literature. From the Imagin?n to the material one. ?er M?hen and myths with B. "strange, da?es me constitutes so little, not to arrive". Mythologi identification plays in the post office-modern literature. Given change of Kurt Bartsch and Gerhard Melzer few questions in letters - a Gespr? with I. (Zdenko Š.kreb appropriated in grateful memory). The Erz?welt silence abfordern.s Prosaminiaturen since the volume Eliza Eliza. This meisterin of the Wortw?lichkeit. Given change of Gerhard fox and Gerhard Melzer. Apokalypti and its avoidance. Childhood as poetic existence form in the work P. Handke and Nietz: "paint no more Marterbild" if one walks from Paris to Paris. Longing after a sound world. To a "write movement" in the sp?ren Prosatexten P. The Gl? the Erz?ens is the Erz?en of the Gl?s. To be those harsh desire, no Wiederholungst?r. Some?erlegungen for the rezeption of P. more?er the Unvern?tigen become extinct and the Erz?programm of the repetition. Slovenia and the Slovenes in the work P. of Gerhard fox and G?her A. to the perception problem and to the problematic perception with P. static and dynamic elements in the work P. Stadt are published, where still none was. City and st?ische structures in the work P. The double face of the Icheinsamkeit. Multi-perspective Erz?en in Michael Hanekes filming of who was Edgar Allan.s M?erfiguren and their Verh?nis to the women. With a critical Nachbemerkung to the Poetologie of the author st?ig on the way of plumbing the M?ichkeiten ". Given change of walter Grond and Gerhard Melzer a synthesis of the arts without its plan. Internal and?ere reality in some dramas W. The insularische life, a God f?en mu? Figure and instance of the poet in predominantly newer St?en W. Legitimit?und Illegalit? - Avant-garde and Menschenopfer.s the L?eln of the Brian de Palma "more?terreicher taste even at the best one". Organic and inorganic to the essayistic Prosa W. The Kalauer is the joke of the plastic age. Given change of Gerhard fox and G?her A. "the cynicism is an application of the irony". The functionalization of the female one with A. "if a Jud is, is that debt enough". - a lifelong attempt to?rleben (Vita). Given change of Marianne Baltl and Christian marriage driver of the longing, which Identit?zu change. To the relations network between the biography and the work G. A few general and few grunds?liche remarks on the work a G. The Bewu?seins crisis of the individual. more?er the distortions of the sinnlichen Repr?ntation of reality in G. Paradies, Tristesse, allt?icher insanity. The dark side of the reason. "again and again, again and again, again and again?terreich". "one always sees the cruelty of humans" at the animals. The paradigm tables function of the history of the animalness in G. to the cycle archives of the silence. Given change of Kurt Bartsch and Adelheid cook "I do not speak of me" (Gespr? with R. Ebert, Puffke and the "kabarett to humans". A play of the Gegens?e in R. Einf?ung into unver?entlichte book projects R. A epistemologischer Nomade on the journey from since away to HierDA. In the age of the water man - the hagiographische inheritance of new humans. ?ersicht?r the literary Nachla?R. Given change by Daniela Bartens and Paul Pechmann. Answers to questions posed: A Mitschrift (Gespr? with G. Haut, zerstochen from Buchst?ichkeit. To the fiktionalen designingness of world and subject in G.s Erz?ung awaking to gro?n the Schlafkrieg.s Protagonisten after the M?ichkeit, it to be text as Klangk?er: To the music in the work G. it mu?ja not always the goal its, where one wants ". "the Ges?e of air". The elements of the life with G. "the international rezeption of the Grazer group" (bibliography G. Elfriede Jelinek –. The international rezeption given change of Daniela Bartens and Paul Pechmann "one rises in front inside and in the back comes one faschiert and into a sausage skin gef?t again raus". Of disappearing the text in the rezeption. The franz?schen Jelinek?ersetzungen: a contribution for the abolishment of the cartesianischen Logik.s in Gro?ritannien - or: Which happened, after the British E. more?er the M?n?ersetzers, E. more?er the fascination of the texts E.s f?eine/n Komponistin/en and?r the difficulties of a realization of scores with texts E. "history has itself after 45 decided, again completely from the front too beginnen.s Destruktion of the myth of historical ' innocence '. Or: Darf's bisserl a more its. Given change of Gerhard fox and G?her A. "with second I did not laugh any longer. "a new article, completely renewed by the Sicht".s polyp-hone conception and their realization in the text. Wor?r no grass w?st.s novels: As one clamps wagner as Nazij?r. To the poetic function of the skatologisch sexual complex in H. "Straussens cradle and the Sachertorte are indeed no more what they were once". The preface comes from Klaus Hoffer. Where a head into the sentence schie? or: Again the same topic however again completely differently. To the change of the sex positions in the novels J. Allerheiligenhistoriker, Karfreitagspsychologe, Christihimmelfahrtsphilosoph, Mariaempf?nisneurotiker. A biographic-documentary sketch (Vita). Given change of Gerhard Melzer and Stefan Schwar ».Ich wants nat?ich always schreiben«. Metamorphosis of body and Seele.s into the partings, my heart my room my name and Stilleben.s H?piel your word is my Fuszes light. Hypomnemata for the literary construction of Bewu?sein?erg?e to the man age in work F. given change of Kurt Bartsch and Stefan Schwar the material of the language (Gespr?). Some remarks on meaning and function of the music with G. mutual limitations of voice and writing in G. and the Viennese Kom?e Horchkom?e and Melodram in the radio. You become me the R?el, my father of Konrad Bavarian and G. and the myth of the Viennese group. Given change of Daniela Bartens and Klaus Kastberger with 2 CDs from the dark side of the W?els ».Texte and Jazz«. with Gunter Falk and the Neighbours of MONUMENTS or come and go. Anecdotes?r/texts of/comments on Gunter Falk ».schweinsbrust with leberf?e threw to it one hundred rindsrouladen. Gunter Falks and pure hard Priessnitz ' Verh?nis to theory and seal CONCRETE POETRY more f?anf?er (selection together with anleitung).«. Play term and view of literature of the Grazer of author Gunter Falk. Poetic notes to Gregory Bateson and Gunter Falk the skeleton, the paradox and imagination. A Lekt? of Gunter Falks dear poem. Concerning reports Gunter Falks Haikus bath Science and Happy attitude more?er rapid becoming outdated of sociological texts. This time no Paraphrasen to the work Gunter Falks notes to texts and jazz with Gunter Falk and the Neighbours. Given change by Gerhard fox and Paul Pechmann. Notes to fr?n the Prosaarbeiten Werner Schwabs Volkst?svernichtung or my K?er is senseless. Notes to the F?liendramen of Werner Schwab. The Pudels tail —. ».DER ass the chaos and the Theorie«. The world as Winterw?e Punk::Schwab:Artaud or Fick to? which you zufickt (the language). To Werner Schwabs bildk?tlerischen work I are the dirt and property. ».Literatur is a Best?gung of the faith in the Vielf?igkeit of the Menschen«. Views to the work Michael K?meiers. To the antropologischen Erz?poetik Michael K?meiers. Homeri and Gel?ter in Michael K?meiers novel Telemach Michael K?meier as new Erz?er of the Erz?er as H?pielautor: Michael K?meiers literary radio work. From the Unfisch to the Peverl tonuses: Erz?en, Erdichten, daydreaming, Fabulieren. Life as Erz?en, Erz?en as?erleben (Vita) biobibliographic questionnaire f?das Franz Michael field archives (1985) given change of Konstanze Fliedl and Christa G?ler. Diskursivit?und?thetik in Elfriede Gerstls Spielr?e. to ambiente and context/intertext of Spielr?e ».alle humans should good friends sein.«. Connecting and separation in the work from Elfriede Gerstl, Oswald Viennese and Konrad Bavarian. ».wer I already everything been bin«. The text of Franz shoe (in the chapter of pre and epilogs, S. 94–.99) became the volume: Elfriede Gerstl, dress flight (Vienna: Edition fragment 1995), with friendly permission of the publishing house taken. Given change by Gerhard fox and Paul Pechmann. Fr?n the texts of Michael Scharang. Work and liberty in the erz?erischen who Michael Scharangs. more?er the essays of Michael Scharang. Michael Scharangs work f?das television which comes to (pos t) modern trend America, globalization and the World trade center if the world the anchor clears or journeys with Michael Scharang Daniela Bartens, Gerhard fox, Paul Pechmann: Given change of Ingrid FR? and Alexandra Strohmaier education, Fetischismus and contractualness in Leopold of Sacher Masochs Venus in the fur ».Ich longs me so much for it, from you stepped to werden«. To some stereotyped ones in Leopold of Sacher Masochs life and work to the Einflu?von Leopold of Sacher Masochs novel Venus in the fur on Heinrich of man fr? Novels in a family and between the races. To the constitution of the masochistischen subject in the narrativen act the truth of the Gewi?eit of the Masochisten. Sacher Masoch with Hegel and Lacan. Reason, passion and the liberalism of the nineteenth century in Sacher Masochs Venus in the fur Venus in the fur and the ».Kampf um's Dasein«. The picture of the j?schen community in Galizien and/or Poland in the work Sacher Masochs Sacher Masoch and the Slawen. The literary career of the Grazer of dramatist Werner Schwab carried out itself at the beginning of the 90's in racing speed. Between 1990-1994 ascended Schwab, which produced its St?e as it were as at the current volume, to the usually-played B?enautor in the German-speaking countries. As it in New Year's Eve 1993, scarcely one month before reaching its 36. Lebensjahres, umfa?e its drama work died more than one dozen of St?e. Given change of walter Gr?weig and Gerhard fox. Peter Henisch as chronicler of the 68er generation. Antiposse, novella, Erz?ung and H?piel outsider in the works by Peter Henisch. Observations to poetry, religion and irony with Peter Henisch of the miracles of the clay/tone art. To the role of the music with Peter Henisch. Literature, representation and writtenness in Peter Henischs of the desire to become Indians. To the Identit?konstruktion in Peter Henischs novel black Peter Peter Henisch –. a biographic sketch given change of Kurt Bartsch and Verena Holler. Notes to the Trilogie of the Entgeisterung to some aspects j?scher tradition in Robert Menasses driving out from the H?e. rescue of historical philosophy in Menasses novels its last word to Hegel and the Marxist under its Verehrern: Robert Menasses ».Geschichte of the infinitesimal Wissens«. Laudatio f?Robert Menasse at the Erich Fried price 2003. Given change of Konstanze Fliedl and Christa G?ler with Konstanze Fliedl and Christa G?ler. A protokollant of the own Widerst?e. Okopenko as ›.Praktiker of the Lyrikergriffenheit‹. Adreas Okopenko: Gr?r November - read 2004. Notes to the developing history by Andreas Okopenkos novel. 7 theses to the theatre author Andreas Okopenko given change of Ingrid FR? and Alexandra Strohmaier Veza Canettis novel the yellow Stra? in the context of the literary modern trend Veza Canettis novel the Schildkr?n as contribution for the criticism of the anthropozentrischen conception of the world in the national socialism Veza Canettis communist manifesto: The kurzgeschichte money money money the other world of the education: Veza Canetti as a j?sche authoress in Vienna. To love and marriage in the work Veza Canettis. For the semiotic concept of the K?ers in the texts Veza Canettis ».Buch is from me keins erschienen….«. Veza Canetti loses its work and helps a poet to?rleben. Given change of Kurt Bartsch and Gerhard Melzer. To the Identit?der aphoristischen recordings of Elias Canetti ».Es everything arrives on with whom one itself verwechselt.«. Canettis Poetik paradoxes of the Identit?Hochzeit, farm servant and red Kater. Small comment on a Sudelblatt Elias Canettis. To the discrepancy of drama theory and theatre practice with Elias Canetti dialectic of the Ethnographie: The voices of Marrakesch Topoi of the homeland in the autobiographies of Elias Canetti. To Elias Canettis recordings in party in lightning Elias Canetti, the involuntary Jew the row DOSSIER develops in co-operation with that the Karl Franzens Universit?Graz.

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