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These rules of the netiquette are subject to modification without some warning and could not be communicated the variation. Consequently to?overe of the customer the consultation of this section in order not to incur in the disciplinary provisions of the case. In this forum not?ollerato the Spam. One agrees like Spam: pubblicit?n repeated demand, messages, inserted arguments without sense, pornografia, messages in order to increase the conteggio. This wants to say: not to begin one flame (war) and not to take part in one Flame War. If you think of to have been been involved in a Flame War from whichever member of the staff reported to the admin. Not to make affirmations or racist comparisons. This?na of the rules hinge of this forum and always must be taken in consideration. Not to use a avatar pi?rande of 100 x 100 pixel and/or greater of 125 Kilobyte (Kb) not to use an image in the 128 company pi?rande of 110 x 550 pixel and/or greater of Kilobytes (Kb). You only insert topic in a forum corrected, ci?ignifica that relative arguments you to, p., installation go alone and on the forum the installation. If these credits do not come visualize to you, not verr?ato support. In order to demand aid you must insert a topic detailed, no information?i too much. The arguments with tito it similar to AID. The forum does not work will come ignores to you and considers you to the stregua of Spam not to answer without a valid reason, this behavior comes consequently considered Spam and treaty. The only containing messages emoticon will come removed. NOT?mmesso the cross posting: a question must only go on a forum, if this not?l corrected place, the post verr?ostato in the topic adapted. Link to situated exteriors, You can insert a link to situated exteriors when these are pertinenti with the content of the message. Not to invent messages to you for pubblicizzare a situated one. The insertion of material prohibited to the minors not?ollerato COMPRISED Avatar and companies. The system of?emplice discipline: in the forum vige the system of the cartellini, once caught up 3 warnings the customer verr?lontanato from the forum. Obviously the admonitions are in function of gravit?lla the violation and are to insindacabile judgment of moderators and the administrators of system. The administrator reserves the right to remove a customer without argument and warning. The registration to this forum involves the acceptance of these rules. Eventual suggestions or critics to place to the attention of this forum will have to be carry out you exclusively to the staff taking advantage itself of the services of private messaggistica. The enrolled activation of the new ones happens for ponderazione of the staff, is therefore prays you to introduce in the area presentations to you of the forum for the admission. The participation to the this forum?ratuita and subject to registration and to the acceptance of the terms of Agreement, to the rules of conduct and articles of the present Regulations. The registration of the smaller subjects of fourteen years or you deprive of capacit?uridica?oggetta to the approval of who exercises the not?esponsabile native land potest?la of the messages of the customers. - revolts to pubblicit? promotions of whichever product trade them, service, situated web, - revolts to riconducibili announcements to chains of S. ?mmesso not to offend the institution, the situated they does not trade and?uindi prohibited pubblicit?d attivit?i the profit under shape of avatar and linkate companies without the consent of the Admin. The Customer who comes cancelled in order to have contravvenuto to the points of the terms of the agreement or to the rules of conduct or the Regulations, not to potr??scriversi. In a this situated vige called control system Yellow Card. In particular, but not only, empty messages or the?irato content to signal a post in order to obtain answer, improper use of the blue push-button action to signal a message. It is remembered that to the attainment of three cartellini the customer verr?pulso from the system. The moderators and/or the administrators will be able to reduce the number of cartellini in the course of attivit?ll' the customer in the present board. Made E' absolute prohibition to contact in private moderators or the administrators in order to demand support. Every private message of this type involves the allocation of 1 cartellino yellow the administrators and the moderators of this board are human beings and can mistake. If fairies to notice, educatamente, eventual errors you can always open an argument that this remains in the railroads of the education This not?esponsabile forum of the content of Articles and the rows inserted from thirds party or indicates to you on situated exteriors. This forum contains link to situated exteriors. These link come supplied for pure convenience and could be in contrast with this regulations and the opinions inserted in this forum. They could moreover have a various methodology of management and respect of privacy the All the rows, all the messages and in kind all the information included on this forum are supplied "AS IS" (cos?ome are), that is without some guarantee this forum declines whichever express responsabilit? merit to the content of veicolati or shown advertising messages from the advertising systems. All loghi and the images are propriet?i respect to you titular. All the messages and database accommodate to you on this forum are &#copy. Copyright 2008/2009 this forum. The CUSTOMER At the MOMENT Of the ACCEPTANCE and the REGISTRATION AUTHORIZES this forum To the TREATMENT Of OWN SPECIFIC PERSONAL DATA $R-COME.SOPRA.

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