The skinny
Thierry Mallet: Thank you Babette and a thin support for the day without pub. Robert Rochefort: The good consumer and the bad citizen Philippe Lemoine: The New Origin: France, stamps of another modernity. Thierry Crouzet: People of the connectors: They do not vote, they do not study, they do not work. Fred Turner: From Counterculture to cyber-culture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, And the Small channel of DIGITAL Utopianism Henry Jenkins: Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide Joel de Rosnay: The revolt of the pronétariat: Mass media with the media of the masses Ulrich Beck: What cosmopolitanism. Lasica: Darknet: The war of Hollywood against the digital generation Presses Edition:: media, edition and communication prints. Pierre Louis Low, radio transmission Made as on your premise, Europe 1, EUROPE 1. The luxury died, lives the luxury by the New Economist: NewsLuxe - Luxury, fashion, mode, accessories, pret have to carry - New of the luxury and the mode France Information: the guest of the Web on December 3 marketing pains to take up the challenge of the participative Internet Cyber discusses: E-publicity new generation the Participation Generation invited on Spanish International RFI Emission Coffee Commercial on the legislative countryside in Direct Paris News Marketing, all topicality of Direct Marketing, the Client relationship, the New media, Technologies. Subway - You said participation. France inter: I have my sources of Schneck Dove March 28 at midday: one hour maintenance with Michele Radio-Canada Strapping man: Christiane Charette - Zone Radio France inter: I have my sources of Dove Schneck France inter: I have my sources of Schneck Dove a refreshing analysis of publicity and marketing with the direction lage. It is an interesting blog to follow the topicality of consumption with the?il "Libé". A video blog which makes a broad place with the interviews. A percussion step on operational marketing. Jean-Louis Fayt is a former advertising executive who knows very well the world of promotion and the below the line. Fons Van Dick de Think BBDO Brussels Fons Van Dyck is an excellent expert of the marks and policies of expert of the companies. It is based in Brussels and writes an open blog towards Europe and the United States. The site of French monthly magazine is recommended for research. It is complete and relatively easy to use. A will to insist on the role and the place of publicity in the French company. A step innovating for necessary a dé To consume trends and insights from around the world One of the most complete sites on the world of the tendencies. Rich person of a Anglo-Saxon and north-European vision Springwise: new entrepreneurial business ideas for minds. A site to consult for ideas of creations excellent a strategic plannor. Excellent papers every week. Excellent a blog for better including/understanding the influence (and the importance) of the network on the commercial decision-makings the very practical site of the National Association of Marketing the blog of François Laurent who seeks to exceed traditional marketing. of Bernard Cova and the school of Marketing says "Latin". A pointed vision by the team which proposed the name Web 2. A very complete site to be alerted on the news. An excellent video-blog on the transformations in progress by one of best, but very modest, French experts of the Internet. A very complete site for alarms and research on the news. Standard Rough: Nicholas Carr' S Blog the blog of the former Director of Harvard Review Business. Relevant on the evolution of the news techno and their influence on the companies. Flemming Funch' S Weblog: Ming the Mechanic a percussion site on the new techno applications. A lighting glance on the sociétaux challenges of new technologies with a tone trés shifted FING - Foundation Internet News Generation. A very relevant glance on the influences of science and technology. The site is published by scientists and academics under the double sunshade of CNRS and the FING (Foundation Internet News Generation) the French weekly magazine of all the capacities. Influencia - to be in advance on the opinion a fine analysis of the media and their interaction with new technologies. The Observatory of the media by Gilles BRUNO: An approach general practitioner and open on the evolution of the media by the former person in charge for the leading data processing of Release. Jean-François Lhérété: France in recombining Michel Wieviorka: The spring of the policy: To finish some with the declinism François Ascher: The company evolves/moves, the policy too. Michel Wieviorka: The spring of the policy: To finish some with the declinism François Cusset: The decade: The great nightmare of the years 1980 Jean Viard: The new age of the policy: The time of the individual-world Bruno Denis: The political participation: crisis or change Anthony Giddens: The Third way face: The Revival of social democracy the Reference as regards criticism of book to try to better include/understand the years to come. (the video)blog of the Institute Pierre Mendes France the thought of PMF is of a great topicality and helps us to include/understand yesterday for better considering demain.Vous are not obliged to agree but you must read them. The opinions published are varied and the site is only richer. A blog as it should exist about it in all the districts of Paris, in all the communes of France a collection of articles and opinions on the subjects which interest Europe a relevant glance on the American policy Blog | Cluster21: community of digital, the media to the E-democracy. Henri Guaino: The Stupidity of modern the Herve the Arm: 4 mysteries of the French population Caroline Eliacheff and Daniel Soulez Larrivière: The time of the Victims Jacques Attali: A short history of the future Candido Mendes: The challenge of the difference: Talks on the Latinity Jacques Attali: A short history of the future Pascal Bruckner: The tyranny of penitence: Test on the Western masochism Suzanne Shepherd: Made in world: New borders of the world economy Gilles Lipovetsky: Paradoxical happiness: Test on the company of hyperconsommation Alain Touraine: The World of the women Philippe d' Iribarne: The French Strangeness Marie Duru-Bellat: School inflation: Disillusions of the méritocratie Richard Sennett: Culture of the new capitalism Vicente Verdu: Style of the world: Life in the capitalism of fiction. The Internet of the objects: an enthralling table of Denis Failly the Participation Generation in the Barber Magazine. Thank you Babette and a thin support for the day without pub which is a true girl of pub. She likes the advertizing so much that she wants us to separate of it one day thank you Babette to have said as much good for Participation Generation. Here the sites which speak about Mercy Babette and a thin support for the day without pub Merci with you, Thierry for this work which informs us on becoming to it company and advertizing. With regard to the JSP and Sarko, between one day of dialogue and citizen participation and a decision imperialist, there are 800 million and 53% of French of difference. If you have an account TypeKey or TypePad, thank you for. (will not be visible with the comment. September 7: discussion with Emmanuel Fish pond in connection with the current evolution of marketing. May 6: Comment of the presidential election since the drafting of France24 April 26: Buzzcast on line of Aperos of Thursday April 22: interview on the plate of France24 at the time of the first tower of presidential March 20: Barometer Listens and Participation with L. March 20: Barometer Listens and Participation with L. March 20: Barometer Listens and Participation with L. March 20: Barometer Listens and Participation with L. March 14: second part of the discussion with Jean-Louis Fayt March 14: Discussion with Jean-Louis Fayt Add to me to your list of TypePad people marketing: better ally of the advised investors multicultural marketing: good or bad idea. Food changes: not from it to expect the crisis of the subprimes too much: it could continue in France Marion Cotillard: Oscars more viewed in France than in the United States participative newspapers on line: new discussions. Let us not play too much to frighten us. The Einstein Generation: an optimistic youth Paris, January 17 10H45, Palate of Tokyo: "Photography and illustration in creative dynamics: new technologies put the creative talent at the second plan. Paris, January 15, Stock Exchange Commercial: 3° Rencontres of the Factory of Futu Paris, November 6 14H: second Meetings of the Factory of the Bordeaux Future, October 18 - 19, International Forum of the Paris Mark, October 16-17 Conference on-line Marketing Paris, June 25 18H45: Virtual Worlds: before and after Second Life Paris - Stock Exchange Commercial May 25 8H30: Innovation and Co-Creation Paris - Arcueil May 24 8H30: Breakfasts of the Paris Communication - April 26 18H: Higher school of Paris Journalism - April 26 19H: Aperitifs of Thursday Aix-en-Provence: May 10 Presentation of the Participation Generation in the IAE Paris, May 31, House of Armenonville: Which Trade by 2010. Paris Carries of Versaille from the 23 to March 27: The Living room of the Paris Book March 10: Day Cyberethics in the City of Sciences Brussels 1° Mars: The consumer in the center of the concerns of planning Paris 19 - June 20: Participative marketing and Interactive Media: contents with the Paris container Carry from Versailles April 3: Participative marketing, the new capacity of the Paris consumers Carries Shirt March 6: Social shopping and publicity: welcome at the "consommacteur".0: Towards a New Marketing or Revival of Marketing. Geneva: February 7 - 9 Conference Paris TOP SPIN January 25: The Club of the partners of the Paris mark November 28, 2006: The Creative Individual, Seminar Modernity: "One-Off" let us open a new origin for the future. Toulouse 15 - November 17: University meetings on the démocrative participative one in Europe Conference on Blogs in Paris December 11, & 12 2006. The prestigious French school in social sciences. ICN School Business/Group ICN School of Management: : I present a seminar on the new role of marketing within the framework of Master of international teaching including/understanding of the Schools and Universités of Bologna, Mexico City, Moscow and Shangaï. Máster in Comunicación de Moda y Belleza Sails Universidad Carlos III of Madrid Master specialized for industries of the mode and the beauty in Madrid. I am responsible for the Seminar on Fundamental Marketing with a glance dedicated to industries of the Luxury and Beauty. ESC-EFAP - Study-to enter in Communication A Brussels European school of communication and marketing. I am responsible for a seminar on marketing and the distribution for the 3° and 4° years. Thomas Philippon: The Capitalism of heirs: The French crisis of work Daniel Cohen: Three lessons on the post-industrial company Amartya SEN: Rationality and freedom in economy Sylvain Darnil and Mathieu the Russet-red one: 80 Men to change the world Jean-François Rischard: 20 Challenges for planet, 20 years to face there. Friedman: The World Is Flat: In Brief History of the Twenty-first Century Amartya SEN: A new economic model a very complete blog on the futurology with very useful bonds the site of futurology of the French Government. Excellent statistical tools and exploratory studies a pole of excellence for the reflexion on the interconnection enters new technologies and their consequences for the company. Based in Palo Alto with the c?ur of Silicon Valley these members all are of the academics of great talent. Vicente Verdu Macia: Yo Y You, Objetos De Lujo Alain Touraine: A nuevo paradigma/A New Paradigm: Para comprender el mundo of hoy/To Understand todays World Michael Dorrian y Gavin Lucas: Publicidad of guerrilla Gilles Lipovetsky: Metamorfosis of Cultura Liberal Vazquez Casco, Ana Isabel. Martinez Caballero, Els: Marketing of Moda. Friedman: Tierra Es Planed/The World Is Flat: Breve Historia del Mundo Globalizado del Siglo XXI/A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century Shine Orihuela: The revolución of los blogs Roberto Bermejo: The gran transición hacia the sostenibilidad "sostenible Principios y estrategias of economía" ROBERT GILPIN: TOTAL EL RETO LED CAPITALISMO "ECONOMÍA MUNDIAL IN EL SIGLO XXI" Gilles Lipovetsky: El Lujo Eterno: of Era de Lo Sagrado Al Tiempo of mow Marcas Horn Molenaar: El Futuro LED Marketing In Era Post Internet Vicente Verdu: El Estilo del Mundo Wally Olins: Brand/Wally Olins one Brands: Mow Marcas Segun Wally Olins/Wally Olins one Brands Ruben Garrido Yserte: Analisis Del Entorno Economico Of Empresa/Analysis of the Economic Environment of the Business. Bernard Sarazin: Misez on the ruptures of market: 20 stories of successful innovations Brice Auckenthaler and Pierre d' Huy: Collective imagination: To create and control effective creative networks
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