
Cough with reflux

Cough and difficulty in breathing - guiding symptoms of a lung illness. Cough and difficulty in breathing - guiding symptoms lung illness Manfred Werner, specialist f?Innere medicine and lung medicine. Actually cough serves the cleaning of the respiratory system. Zwerchfell pulls, the residue together at air becomes jerky from the breath ways ausgesto?n and rei? Fremdk?er or fremdk?erhaltiges secretion also. If the cough lasts more l?er than three weeks, the cause must. Cough is not eigenst?ige illness, but a symptom. The causes are vielf?ig: Illnesses of lung, heart, stomach or side effects of medicines k?en responsible its. If dust or dirt arrives into the lung, the living conditions improve f?krank making bacteria are a nat?iche defense protection against the K?ers, if Fremdk?er arrive such as dust or Brotkr?l into the respiratory system. Cough is a symptom, that when different illnesses. The h?igste cause are Erk?ungskrankheiten. Usually the cause is a Erk?ungserkrankung with Entz?ung of the respiratory system by viruses or bacteria, in addition, the rare. It lasts more than four to. A chronic cough can have different causes and should therefore always by a?tliche investigation abgekl? become. Zerst?ng of the Lungenbl?hen (R?fluss of stomach contents into the Speiser?e whooping cough (each tenth adult, who coughs for a long time and no chronic lung illness has, suffers from whooping cough). Cough l?t itself in addition, on the basis the ejection h?igsten causes is Erk?ungen. other allergischen illness comes it h?ig to the increased. This Schleim is highly transparently, the Schleim yellowish with Erk?ungskrankheiten against it or gr?ich. Are the basis for a cough with bloody ejection the k?en following diseases:. like the blood getting sickness a cause of the blood cough. An acute provoking of the lung by dust or particles f?t to the cough as reflex as for example ACE Hemmer causes dry coughs as side effect for some F?en is a dry cough the only symptom of a small. Ejection is always a disease character and must from the physician. Zus?lich to the cough k?en in addition, other symptoms arise, which are abh?ig from the basic illness. The oxygen arrived?r those it is accepted by the red Blutk?erchen (Erythrozyten) the blood to the different organs, where the Erythrozyten the oxygen. Illnesses of the lung, the heart or the blood k?en the cause. If the K?er needs for the preservation of its functions more oxygen than it tats?lich to the Verf?ng has, develops difficulty in breathing must difficulty in breathing however no indication of an illness be, but can to a bad training condition or a too high load to refer in addition is always difficulty in breathing in peace or during small k?erlicher load. They should be thus f?g, without difficulty in breathing quickly walking. This corresponds to a load of approx.. The h?igsten causes are illnesses that. The information d?en in no case as replacement f?professionelle consultation or treatment by trained and recognized?zte to be regarded. Contents can not be used and may not, in order to place eigenst?ig diagnoses or begin treatments. F?die of contents is the editorship of NetDoktor.

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